Just Found Out

I finally found what was going on about me breeding.

First of all this is not an excuse. IT is just the facts. Did I make some mistakes? Ya Bet Ya. The Buck Stops Here.
As Fletcher was getting worse and my health was giving away and I wa in and out of the hospital. Laura in Amarillo came down and got 3 young ones {Maggie, Tony and Rex} }to foster. Was she supposted to have had them spayed and neutered? Yes!!!!!! She lost her Mother and 5 months later her Dad dies. She as an only child was consumed with all this.
I wasn't on top of all this.

So the point is for whatever reason I didn't take care of business. I assumed that things were taken care of. I was wrong.......

So it may have looked like this rescue was breeding. I can guarantee that no breeding was going on.... Not being responsible. YES!!!!!

If I can't stay on top of everything that everyone that helps me is doing I will quit. I will continue to take in Old Ones that no one else wants. I will keep the ebay going to support them.

Ron, I Really Appreciate what you do this this Forum. I think it has the Best Bunch of Sheepie Lovers. I Appreciate all the support it has given to Fletcher. Respectfully Kaye
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Hi Kaye,

I wasn't aware of any stories concerning you until I read your post. No worries concerning us..we know you're one of the GOOD ONES. You've saved so many sheepies and gone the extra mile when others looked another way. I remember when you sold your great aunts ring to help pay the cost of some sheepies under your care. No one can doubt your devotion to them.
This is on top of your own hardships. Too err is human , to forgive is divine. Although, I don't think you're 100% human..I know you're an angel!

Marianne and the boys

I remember right after we lost Winston talking to you and it helped so much. I know that none of us is 100% perfect. You have helped so many dogs that no one else was willing to take and you sold a lot of your personal possessions in order to support their many health needs. Please don't quit unless you want to quit. You have such a huge heart for this breed and I for one will support you as much as possible.
We love you Kaye and know that EVERYTHING you do is done with a good heart.
I knew about these allegations some years ago Kaye. I didn't know how they got started and frankly when one individual repeated them to me several times wondering why I even "talked " with you, I severed my relationship with her!

None of us are perfect and I dare say some in rescue are there because they too may have previously bred for various reasons, not knowing they were not benefitting the breed. Others not in rescue but spreading the allegations need to examine their own lives and motives.

I know your heart is in rescue.

SheepieBoss wrote:
Others not in rescue but spreading the allegations need to examine their own lives and motives.

Interesting thought.

Anyone have anything to say beyond what Kaye has said? Anyone have any other allegations? Anyone care to make them now so we can be done with them and move on?

Seems to me that Kaye has put a lot into rescue; her time, energy and fortune. She has rescued old dogs, she has rescued young dogs and she has rescued pregnant bitches, and placed them and their puppies.

How much more does she need to do to satisfy people that she isn't breeding and selling the pups for a profit? That is an allegation I've heard from several people in private. Anyone care to stand up in public and justify it?
What BALDERDSASH!!!! I'd like to see those same people put even a FRACTION of the effort into saving sheepies that she has!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hope that my post about Kaye were not interperted as accusations. I was actually trying to defend Kaye's actions. I think that she has done as much or more for the rescue of this breed than anyone else has. As in one of my other posts, I stated with all she has on her plate, it would be so easy for her to throw up her hands and say I give. She could never do this because she loves our sheepies too much. I applaud all that Kaye has done for rescue and I know she has a special place in heaven where she will take care of our sheepies until we can get there (if she gets there before us).
I asked Ron yesterday to take me out of the Fourm. Because I respect this group to much to drag them thru issues like this. This is A Safe Happy Place to come to talk about Your Babies. A place to come to talk about the Crazy Things they do. A Place to come to ask for Help. A place to come to share Happy & Sad Times.

I can not tell you the number of emails that have been
forwarded to me saying what terrible things I have done. How many other people doing rescue that have contacted me apologizing for not standing up to defend me..The number of poeple that have bought from us on ebay and changed their ID so that no one would know they were bidding on one of our items....

This is very sad to me. I think it hurts rescue in general.

IT is like Playground Mentality. If you don't like the rules of the playground ...Either build your own playground or get out. I choose to build my own playground. Rather then to set and gossip behind people back.....

I have been a target and always will be a target. That is a choice I made in doing rescue the way I do it. I am told I am not respected in the Rescue Community. I am truly sorry for that. I really mean that....

The point is I will stay down here with my Old Babies. I will not discuss any more what I have done or haven't done. I have certainly made mistakes. I'm sure I'll make some more.. I just asked for the benefit of the doubt.

But, I don't want it to play out here. Respectfully, Kaye

Shug wrote:
But, I don't want it to play out here.
But I do.

I want to know why some people are saying negative things about you, and I'd like to read your responses. Unless this all gets aired out, with all the accusations and all the responses once and for all, this will continue for ever.

Wouldn't you rather have everything out in the open, do it once, and then there'll be a place for me to point people to when they ask a question?

So, like I asked before.

Take a deep breath, and start slowly and tell us your story.

I'll start an outline for you.

Hi, I'm Kaye, and I'm a sheepieholic.
I started breeding sheepdogs in XXXX but realized that I wanted to be in rescue instead.
So I did this:
Then my husband got ill and a couple of dog who hadn't been fixed yet got together.
I placed those dogs, taking in $XXX in donations while spending $YYY on bills.
Since then, I have recued XX dogs, while spending about YY in funds.

My dog Shelby was placed with a woman named Hillary in Maryland. At that time I gave Hillary $XXX dollars to have Shelby Spayed and she assured me this had been done. I am shocked and dismayed that NEOESR reports to me that Hillary did NOT have the spay performed, and that NEOESR has recently paid for that procedure to be done.

I took in dogs from a rescue program who were from puppy mills who were going to be euthanized. I paid no money to the puppy mill for them, and NEOESR paid for their medical care.

Along the way, I completed all of the necessary work to file for and receive my 501(c)(3) status from the IRS, so that all contributions to my rescue program would be tax deductable. This also requires me to file an annual tax return with the IRS which will be publicly available.

This is just an outline I've created from memory of some things of which I am aware. I don't know if the circumstances as I've outlined them are correct, I've only posted this as a springboard to help you outline your story.
Kaye, I support you and trust your judgement and decisions completely. I don't need to hear anymore, it would take more than a bit of forum gossip (not that I have heard any) to make me think anything but the best of you.

I had a boss once who always used to say "assume good intent" and I do. I'd say more but I gotta head off and see what the sheepie rescue is selling on e-bay today :D :D :D :D :D
Kaye, you have been through so much in your personal life and we all realize that. No one here has any ill feelings towards you or what you have done on behalf of the sheepies. Please don't leave the forum! If nothing else, this can be a safe haven for you.

I dare anyone else here to be able to do as much for our sheepies as you have, while facing all the personal roadblocks you have. You truly are a saint, and I for one would be sad if you would leave the forum.

Please reconsider!

First of all I probally brought a lot of this on myself. I am a very up front person. I don't say anything behind anyones back I won't say to their face. I respect that in other people. I don't wishy washy.......

I bred for 8 years. Didn't have the foggest idea what I was doing when I started. OMG I was a back yard breeder....Again didn't like the rules of OESCA. I found that they didn't nforse those rules. I approached breeding the same way I approach rescue. GONG HOO... Now I would have done some things differtly. I had all My Puppy Parents on a group on Yahoo. Believe me if you have anything to hide you sure don't want your parents in contact with each other. I brought up everything. I was probally too open for my own good. I sometimes had Freakin Parents. But, If you start hiding one thing then the next thing is much easier to hide. I BACKED EVERY PUPPY I EVER HAD. I REHOMED EVERY PUPPY I EVER HAD... .. As I got more into rescue I couldn't handle breeding too. Plus I had had 2 litters that there were problems. So I decided at midnight one night that I would quit. I was committed to 11 more Babies. Parents that already had one of My Babies wanted another one before I quit breeding. Just couldn't bring anymore into this world and do rescue too...

I didn't start the original rescue. It was started by one of My Puppy Parents. I just wanted to rescue not run a rescue. We had the first fundraiser on Ebay in November of 2004. The girl that listed all the items stated that we were a 501 c3. I thougth we were too. We weren't!!! Again I didn't ask the right questions. That was brought to the attention of the rescue community. I took the heat on that. I had Puppy Parents that gave thousands of dollars {21} to the rescue because they took my word on the fact that we were a non profit........ I tried to save that rescue but couldn't. That breaks my heart.

Then we started Second Chance. IT has been a real struggle from the word go.

I think it all goes back to Our First Mission Statement. That We wanted to help those Babies that no one else wanted. I still mean that. I didn't know how rescue worked. I was Gung Hoo and I stepped on a lot of toes. I created a lot of enemies I guess. I guess some of the other rescues thought I was trying toi make them look bad. That certainly was not my intention. I may just do things a little differetly. I am driven by My Heart not by what is Politically Correct......

As far as the gossip goes I have no idea. I don't know why people were told to not talk to me or have anything to do with me..Most of those poeple have never talked to me or even know me. I have just learned to not pay any attention. Truthfully I really don't have the time or energy to get into it. I used too!!!! But, I learned my lesson......

I have done some extreme things. Some financially stupid things. But, I am Passionate about rescue... Have I made some mistakes? Most Certainly......

I am No Angel. I am not saying everyone else is wrong and I am right.

Sorry I didn't go by your guideline. I am just talking......Kaye

I forgot something. I did send out Tony and Lucy on the transport without being spayed and neutered.

When I found out from Laura that she had not gotten them fixed I freaked. We already had the transport planned getting Jilly to Toronto. We were limited on time to do this transport. John only had one more week off work. There wasn't time to get them spayed and neutered before they left. I talked to Laurin and Jason about this. I knew they were on the Forum and could trust them. It is an absolute NO NO to place without spay and neuter.....

Lucy didn't workout with Jason . She just couldn't adjust to not having full rein and coming and going as she pleased. Jason drove her to Oklahoma and Ashley picked her up. We refunded the $300.00 to him and will refund the rest as soon as I make it one ebay. He was Wonderful and really Loved Lucy. Kaye
Kaye, if I had heard nothing about you on this board, and only that you were previously a backyard breeder, had misinformed people people about your non-profit status, and did not spay/neuter animals before adopting them out I would be furious and would probably have a few not so nice things to say. And that is for no other reason that rescue/animal rights is the hardest "hobby" I have ever committed myself to and it is so frustrating that other people make these huge mistakes that just make it harder for those doing good.

*BUT* it is clear that you are currently only doing rescue because you love and care about these animals deeply. You have obviously made some mistakes in the past, but if you truly are doing the right thing right now, please do not let others get you down. There are so many dogs out there that need help, and so many people out there that need guidance on how to treat animals, that we as a rescue community, cannot afford to lose you. I am sorry for your mistakes (we have all made them...), but nothing can trump all the wonderful work you have done recently. And with your experience and heart I can definitely say that the rescue community is very very lucky to have you on their side.

Hello, I had never heard about anything specific in your past. I really don't care about your past. Doesn't sound that bad anyways.

You were the first person to call me about shutting down our kids breeder because of problems you had with her already. I had lots of support, but I know you actively pursued Hillary and never forgot about shutting her down.

All rescues do a great thing and your willingness to take on mixed breeds is even better. Not everything is going to go perfect. We have all had to learn lessons in life, some harder than others. I truly believe your heart is in the right place and you are doing a great job!

Everyone should just drop the "needing the whole story" thing and just be thankful you are doing what you can. The past is the past.

Thanks for all you do.

Sheepie Hugs!

Eric, Bailey and Madison

I'm relatively new around here, but I can tell you I am immensely grateful for all of the rescue work you've done. You'v done your share and then some, about a hundred times over, at least. If you are ready to step away, you should do so with a clear conscience. You certainly have my gratittude and that of dozens, if not hundreds of people who love OES in all forms. As far as I can tell, the forum is a better place for having you as member.

At this point in my life, I'm not able to do rescue work, but may some day, when I have more resources to devote to the work.

It's easy to see from your posts and more importantly, from your good works, that everything you've done has been out of love for dogs, and for OES. It is unfortunate that not everyone who you have dealt with has had as much integrity. Unfortunately, you cannot compel people to keep their word or to make wise decisions. You do your best and then you let God take the rest.

My advice to you is to do what makes you happy. You've given so much happiness to others--human and canine. And if you get any bad emails--just hit that old delete button.
kaye being a newbie on this site .. i have worked with oes rescue in miami and i know what you are doing is hard work . right now i will go on ebay and support you!! you go girl
Lil Walty wrote:
Kaye, if I had heard nothing about you on this board, and only that you were previously a backyard breeder, had misinformed people people about your non-profit status, and did not spay/neuter animals before adopting them out I would be furious and would probably have a few not so nice things to say. And that is for no other reason that rescue/animal rights is the hardest "hobby" I have ever committed myself to and it is so frustrating that other people make these huge mistakes that just make it harder for those doing good.

*BUT* it is clear that you are currently only doing rescue because you love and care about these animals deeply. You have obviously made some mistakes in the past, but if you truly are doing the right thing right now, please do not let others get you down. There are so many dogs out there that need help, and so many people out there that need guidance on how to treat animals, that we as a rescue community, cannot afford to lose you. I am sorry for your mistakes (we have all made them...), but nothing can trump all the wonderful work you have done recently. And with your experience and heart I can definitely say that the rescue community is very very lucky to have you on their side.

Well said.... ditto...
Mistakes happen! I truly respect you and the work you do.
You are a very special person.

Whenever you do something special, something noble, you will always get the knockers its called the "Tall Poppy Symdrome " here in Aus.

Please email me
I sent some extra things to Claire for you but I wanted to help as well personally
Love Terry
Kaye you are an Angel, don't let gossipers stop the good work you do.

Terry said it all "Tall poppy Syndrome", you do so much wonderful goodness for OES that people decide the do not want anymore, sheepies with health issues that all of a sudden the owners do not want, etc etc so you are going to get controversy about that as unfortunately you are dealing with peoples mistakes. You have a huge heart and strong spirit, don't let the knockers chase you away from all the wonderful things you do & the strong love you have for these sheepies.

Let them talk, WHO CARES!! what they say, no one is listening to those sort of people, the only important issue here is you save and give love and kindness to OES and a new start to life again.

YOU ARE A TREASURE & ANGEL and over the 12 months I have got to know you on this forum I have the utmost admiration for all that you do, your will, spirit and the love you have for helping this wonderful breed.

Stay strong, and don't let the gossipers/knockers win, all said and done if they do win, then it is the sheepies that suffer more then, Hugs Lisa
Shug wrote:
I forgot something. I did send out Tony and Lucy on the transport without being spayed and neutered.

When I found out from Laura that she had not gotten them fixed I freaked. We already had the transport planned getting Jilly to Toronto. We were limited on time to do this transport. John only had one more week off work. There wasn't time to get them spayed and neutered before they left. I talked to Laurin and Jason about this. I knew they were on the Forum and could trust them. It is an absolute NO NO to place without spay and neuter.....

Lucy didn't workout with Jason . She just couldn't adjust to not having full rein and coming and going as she pleased. Jason drove her to Oklahoma and Ashley picked her up. We refunded the $300.00 to him and will refund the rest as soon as I make it one ebay. He was Wonderful and really Loved Lucy. Kaye

Kaye, where are you?
We have called, emailed & prayed you and Fletcher are ok...

I think about you everyday.

You should come see your Gracie Kaye & Buddy Baroo (Harley). They have become the best of friends...running, chasing, and playing chewey-face while older Brother supervises :)

They are our gifts from you...our passion, our lives.

I still call Gracie "Baby Baby Baby"...she will turn her head and look at me & then look around. She remembers you...her Angel on Earth.

If you pass by here again, or someone here can reach you, please call us? I just need to know you're ok...I need to tell you again how much you coming into our lives mean't.

Love ya :)

Nancy & Family
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