How often do you wash

I was woundering how often your babies get a bath? I take Abby to the groomers about every 6 wks. How often can I bath her besides that. She gets so dirty. I did't know if it would dry out her skin or coat. I do give her vita coat on her food.
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Mine only get a bath about 2 x a year, and then I bath just the whites for shows...
I think it depends on the dog, activity, and maybe where you live. Many people would say that was WAY too much. But, I understand where you're coming from. When we take Yuki sheep herding, she's in dirty snow, sheep turd, and mud. There's no way we could just "rinse" her off or just clean her underbelly and legs. SHE NEEDS A BATH!! SHE SMELLS LIKE SHEEP DO-DO!


The vet and groomer always tells me Yuki has great skin, whether she gets washed weekly (which happens) or every 4 months. Ideally, I know it would be better if she didn't get bathed so much!
Willowsprite wrote:
Mine only get a bath about 2 x a year, and then I bath just the whites for shows...

That is about all Tasker gets. Unless of course we have a dingleberry emergency.........
We bath our dogs about once a week or at the very least 2 weeks. :D
Panda gets a bath about once a month...less in the summer, because her hair is so short and we play a lot in the sprinklers
Our kids get a bath once a week.

No smelly kids in our house. :D

We do take them to the groomers once every two months to do nails, trim and stuff.

Oh yeah, butt trimming every two weeks or whenever we have an emergency. 8O
Oscar gets a full bath very two to three weeks, but I do a little mini bath twice a week to hit the "pertinent parts" (face, butt, undercarriage, and paws). I find that this makes him bearable between full baths......
Chewie gets at least a partial bath weekly - the whites. He usually needs a full bath every 2 weeks.
Sometimes daily foot and face washes - depending on the weather and if he goes out in the barn with me! :)
Bosley gets a bath about twice a year....

Dixie more often, just because she is easier, and needs her skin kept clean.....but still only every 2 or 3 months.
Edgar gets gets a partial bath (legs, belly, poop hole, chin as needed) bath one week and then a all over bath the next week. He is pretty smelly so if by chance we dont get around to it one week we are gagging by the 2nd week.
I give mine a bath once a week. Face, chin, feet spot bathing sometimes happens on a daily basis or as needed with the 2 pups.
I find it AMAZING that some of you bathe once a week 8O 8O A Tasker Bath is almost an all day affair, I can't imagine doing it once a week!!!!!!!!!!!
I try to hold off, but Stella gets a bathtub bath almost once a week, cause she pees on herself at times.. I try to just do butt washings, but she moves around so much, she ends up getting fully sprayed...She goes to the groomer every 3 weeks. Her anal glans fill fast, and I'm not about to deal with that :roll:
I bath my 2 girls once every month.
We walk them a lot, and they r always dirty after dog school.

When charlotte has a bone she dribbles alot on her front legs, and then i bath her legs more.
Tasker's Mom wrote:
I find it AMAZING that some of you bathe once a week 8O 8O A Tasker Bath is almost an all day affair, I can't imagine doing it once a week!!!!!!!!!!!

It takes about an hour a dog to wash them. They are brushed first which makes washing go much easier. That is probably another hour a dog. Then off to their crates where they have a real dog drier. It was $500, but it really helps get them fluffy. Our groomer got it for us once we pried this trick out of her. A couple hours of drying and then some more brushing.

I guess it is an all day affair. But there are breaks in between.

They love getting brushed and bathed and since we have had this schedule since they were puppies, everyone is used to it. They always seem much happier after bath day.

Two dogs chewing on each other just makes them stinky quicker and we always want them to look their best. We always get complements on how nice they look when we walk them.

My friend has a maltese, actually two, and their faces are always orange and dirty looking, paws too. They look really bad. I never want to have to come up with excuses like they do about having unkept looking dogs.

Have a nice day,

Two of our sheepies have what I called wet mouths. There beard is forever stained dark no matter what products I use. Then the other two (Rosie is in this category) their beards stay almost white.

We bathe our once a week to keep down with fleas and dirt since they are indoor dogs. A lot of our friends comment that even though we have a lot of dogs our house does not smell like a dog which I take that as a compliment.
my dogs get bathed once a year, during the summer...they don't smell at all tho...unless they happened to be out in the rain for potty time..then it's that wet dog stink :wink:
When we used a groomer I found the more Merlin got bathed by her the more he needed it. I am not sure why but when hubby bathed him he stayed clean smelling longer.
Well I must admit that Ty gets a weekly bath.....but that takes all of 45 minutes. Ty also seems to need washing more often. I was told that it was because Maltese have a single coat as opposed to a double coat. I dry with a hand held dryer and brush which may be why it takes so long for Tasker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The dryer definitely makes the difference. We are borrowing our friend's professional dryer (K-9) and it rocks!!
They have Samoyeds, and only need a couple baths per year. They use the dryer more as a leaf blower than they do on their dogs!!
About twice a year all over, whites every week. No stains on my girls. :lol:

Longer in coat, washing too often all over takes away the natural oils and texture in their coat and creates problems.

Even when they do get dirty all over, most of it comes out with brushing and using a grooming spray to freshen them up. :D
Every 2-3 weeks. He tolerates the bath, but loves being clean and fluffy afterwards.
I try to bathe Mallory at the least, once a week. Esp once her hair starts growing out long, like now. Her nick name is Pig Pen, if there is dirt or mud or leaves to roll in, she's going to do it. Plus I can't stand the least little snarl in her coat so I am constantly brushing her. Her skin is great, not dry or flaky and the only time I see her itch is if she gets a flea on her so we keep Advantage on her year round. I do a complete grooming on her with trimming the pads out, clipping her belly hair and trimming around her bum about every 4 to 6 weeks.
She makes it so easy, she lets me do whatever it is I need to do. I tell her get in the tub, in she goes. I tell her to shake and she does. Have I mentioned lately my girl is perfect? :wink:
Ollie gets a bath about twice a year - but gets brushed 20 mins every day, then at the weekend a good few hours. he's not a smelly dog, well he may be to non dog people oooops !
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