What Do You Sleep With?

I know this is a very personal question and not everyone will want to share. I was thinking, does anyone still sleep with something other than a significant other or their pets? For example, a blanket or stuffed animal.

I'm probably thinking about this at this particular moment because of Daisie's beautiful quilt and someone saying it would be a cherished item for a life time.

For those of you who already think I'm a litle strange, just wait for this!
Well, before I was born, a coworker of my Mom's crocheted a baby blanket for me. This has been my all time favorite cherished item to this day. I'm a little embarrassed to admit is, but "Blankie" still sleeps in my bed. Steve thinks it's cute, but I know many people would think it is strange. Oh well, that's me...strange and a kid forever! :D I have been known to be possessive over Blankie. Friends and boyfriends had to be very special in order to even touch him. Fozzie hasn't even met Blankie yet because I konw he would chew him and that would be just terrible :D

I always have said that if there was a fire in my house, the only thing that would be of importance other than Steve and the pups would be Blankie. Everything else could be replaced. I can't explain my strange attachment to Blankie, but he's been loved for over 32 years and never causes me any problems:D

For those of you who already find this little tidbit of information about me humorous, you'll get a kick out of this. When Mom and I went to look at a college, Blankie came along. That was Blankie's last vacation. We got back home and at 2AM I woke my Mom up from a dead sleep in a panic. I left Blankie in the hotel bed!!! What a wonderful Mom I have as she called the hotel immediately to tell them her 18 year old "baby" left her blanket in the hotel. We had to wait until the cleaning crew came in and the hotel called that they found Blankie with the sheets! Thank G-d! They sent Blankie home in a cardboard box (how awful for him) via UPS. I don't know how I would have survived without him :D
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I too sleep with my blankie. :oops:
I now keep it under my pillow. My childhood Teddy sleeps on the nighttable.
My parents's dog Baxter got a hold of Blankie when I was a teenager and tore it in a few spots.
Luckily Grandma was able to fix it.
My great aunts Edna and Pearl made my first baby blanket, a quilt with pink and white squares. His name is Pinky. :lol: He came everywhere with me, even to school (hidden) for first grade. My parents tried everything to make me give up that blanket, my Dad even threw it out a couple of times, and in the fireplace once. I "saved" Pinky every time though. Now there is no backing, no fill, just 17 squares left of Pinky, but he still lives in my dresser drawer. I still had the blanket on my bed (for decoration)til I was 23. By then it was too grubby looking to keep out. LOL

I NEVER thought I would tell anyone that. :oops: I feel so much better knowing I'm not the only one. LOL

Ok, I'm weird too.
I have a baby pillow - I called it pillpo as a child.
I slept with it every night, and I even took it on
a trip to Europe in my late teens. On that trip my
oldest brother (in his 30 at the time) stole it, and
in the struggle to get it back it was torn. I bawled.
I fix it, and used it ever after that till my first son
was born. I then gave it to him. Pillpo it still on a
shelf in my room, but neither my son or I use it
anymore. It is so fragile I'm afraid to. I do use
another small pillow though because over the years
I got so used to sleeping with something between my
bent arm and my head I'm uncomfortable without
something there. There was a time-
even as an adult that pillpo was important to me, but
I haven't even thought of it in so long - well, till this post!
I guess I sort of felt like it was my son's turn when
he was born.
It was the one gift I gave at every single baby shower I
ever went to. Every kid should have their own pillpo or
pinky(my sister had one too willowsprite) or blankie!

It sort of surprises me that there are some of us that
still have these items and that we are willing to tell it!


:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :wink:
:lol: Verveup

Maybe you guys are sharing a little TOO much info. ;) :lol:
I sleep with my own little ragdoll, Daisy. Daisy is the cat whom loves to snuggle up to man or beast (always find her sleeping with the dogs when I arrive home.) LOL forgot if you've seen my recent photos she also makes a great hat for Blue. :wink:

She's not a true ragdoll cat but every night she cuddles in my arms and places her paws around me. I can put her in any position and she stays there! She's better than a stuffed animal!

Sometimes LG will crawl under the blankets and takes the position of "feet warmer".

Marianne and the boys
A fog Horn, the other half snores :lol:

I still have my teddy bear :oops: No eyes left, rather bald, but been well loved. :D
lisa, :lol:

I am SO thankful my husband doesn't snore!!! My dad did, and you could hear him clear across the house. The ONLY way to wake him up is to plug his nose and mouth at the same time until he gasps for air! Hot/Cold water doesn't work or even throwing him off the bed. He's out cold.
There are alot more of you "blankie" sleepers out there then you think. My daughter who is 31 sleeps with her blankie, or what's left of it, since childhood. My sister in law sleeps with her teddy since childhood and she is 50 yrs. There is nothing to be embarrased about. Sweet Dreams :D
I not even going to tell you about my bedtime "friend"!!!! You'd have me committed :oops: !

Just know, I have one too!
I sleep with Jerome, a big stuffed moose, Gilbert Noel, a Beanie Baby guinea pig, Lance, my stuffed teddy who is 25, Jerome Jr., a small stuffed moose, Buster, a stuffed monkey, and Maggie, a stuffed sheepie the size of a Beanie Baby. My 49 year old teddy, Teddy T., lives on my nightstand. He has no fur, no eyes, and no stuffing in the top half of his body.

I win. :D (or should that be 8O ?)
I knew I wasn't alone! There must be many more of us out there, I'm sure :D
ok the snoring made we laugh. It brought back memories of my hubby he used to snore so bad. We would camp a lot, when the boys were little one time he was snoring so bad the boys stuck a pair of socks in his mouth. He kept on sleeping so the painted his toe nails pink.
Growing up, my sister and I each had a blanket..we called them naaa's....with so many washings the colors had faded and both turned white (mine was pink, lisas was yellow)...we still could tell them apart by feel and smell(even out of the dryer)...havent slept with them since the good ole days of childhood, but i remember opening the linen closet to pet them once my mom "put them away"....

Now I am just happy to sleep every third night with 4 pillows, 2 blankets and a sheet all by myself in the king size bed...both brian and i are bed hogs, so those nights by myself are heaven!
Thanks for posting this! One of my younger sister's still sleeps with her blankie, well a piece of it. Her and mom would cover up with it on the couch, and after she died she said she could still smell her scent on it.

I was kind of worried about her many years ago, but got over it. :lol: Thank you for assuring me that she's not the ONLY adult with "blankie"! Its so small now that she stuffs it in her pillow case. :roll:

I have Pillow, which was made for me by my grandma either before I was born or soon thereafter. My brothers are jealous because they had Pillows too, but theirs did not stand the test of time like mine has. I also have Bear...but Pillow is #1!
I'm so glad I'm not alone!!! :D
Hey everyone! just stumbled upon this post!

In anycase, you guys are totally not alone! I am calling for submissions for "chowchows" (not the dog breed), a term for stuff that we sleep with!

roll your eyes all you want, but u know how important chowchows are to us.


What are chowchows?
Chowchows are personal items that you cannot sleep without! It can be your precious comfort pillow, a favourite personal blanket that you have to bring along for trips or a soft toy that you have to cuddle to sleep. They come in all shapes and sizes! A chowchow usually has significant history, either growing up with you, a result of a special event or a gift from a love one.
I just need and extra pillow. always.
My sister still has her baby pillow sewed in with her big pillow... need to ask if her hub knows this.
My daughter still has her teddy that I gave her at 6 months. Her and her cat loves that thing.
I still have my "teddy". Traveled everywhere with me in my 20's, went into the delivery room with me, but had to hide it from Chase my rescue Akita. Someday "teddy" will make it back into my bed!
Glad to know I am NOT the only one here.....

HI!! My name is Sarah and I also still sleep with my baby blankie and my boyfriend still has his too!!! :lol:
you guys really need to take pics and submit! hahaa

the debut "chowchow" is already online...from melbourne, australia comes the first chowchow on our blog! more to come tonight haha.


hope to see some contributions from oes members!

Oh good I'm glad I'm not the only one! I have a blankie too and I just CANNOT sleep without it! I'm 24 years old now and even take it on camping trips (hide it in my pillowcase or at the bottom of my sleeping bag so my friends won't know!). (Not being able to sleep without B is great for making sure I end up at home where I belong each night though as opposed to staying out....!)

I have replaced my blankie 3 times now (first one was in threads and I still have save what's left of it) then had 2 others ...and the one I most recently got when I was 21 was from my current fiance!! He knows how much I rely on it and even brought it to me when he picked me up from a particularly hard day at work one day to surprise me. He's really nice about "B" and will even help me find 'him' around the house or bring him to me if I ask him to grab it while he's up. The only people who know about it are my immediate family and my fiance. I'm not sure if I'm glad I have my "B" addiction or not. I don't know what I'd do without it but sometimes the fiance and I joke about things, like am I going to be in the hospital having a baby and be yelling at him to get me my B?! Is he going to be bringing me AND the baby our blankies when we're sick? I guess so, because I can't imagine being without it!
I don't have a blankie, but my 11yr daughter does. It was a homemade baby blanket given to me as a shower gift before she was born. It's been everywhere except school with her - England (twice), summer camp 3 times, every sleep over at Grandma's, Auntie's, Nanny's, camping or a friends house and usually any road trip as well.

Grandma had mended it many times over the years. My daughter was getting so upset that her blankie was disappearing with each wash that Grandma made a special pillow case using the ruffle on the pillow case opening & making a "secret hidden pocket" to hold the remaing ruffle & blankie. This pillow case is much easier to take to camp and on sleepovers now!

I should mention that she is a thumb sucker as well (however only at home and around immediate family.) Apparently there are lots of people who are still sucking thumbs in their 20's from what I've found out as well. :?
i use to have and sleep hospital baby blankie with a I have my baby blankie it was soft one day I cut my baby blankie with scissors I started pull on my baby blanket and it started ripping down the middle and i pull some more it ripped my baby blankie in half and then after that one half of my baby blankie always tuok it to bed at grandmas and grandpas house it wes my favorite thing and i guess it ferll aprt and then i thank lost it i shrer miiss it i havet ben able to find one like it it had a special textile right now i using a blue trmormal baby blankie that i sleep with now im currently 25 years old i hopel i can find my old blankie
i use to have and sleep hospital baby blankie with a I have my baby blankie it was soft one day I cut my baby blankie with scissors I started pull on my baby blanket and it started ripping down the middle and i pull some more it ripped my baby blankie in half and then after that one half of my baby blankie i wes having bran ishes at the time and i had it my blankie for 10 years after i wes burn always tuok it to bed at grandmas and grandpas house it wes my favorite thing and i guess it ferll aprt and then i thank lost it i shrer miiss it i havet ben able to find one like it it had a special textile right now i using a blue trmormal baby blankie that i sleep with now im currently 25 years old i hopel i can find my old blankie
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