when will my oes's hair become course? i was told this will happen, but olive is 1 year this month and her hair is as soft as the day i brought her home. i am loosing the battle with the matts. I have her groomed every 2 weeks and i "try" to brush her every few days, but she just will not let me my next step is a grooming table of somesort. Cutting her hair is not an option yet because it is winter. in the summer she will get a puppy cut. Anyway is it just olive and her hair or is there still time for the hair to change?
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I'm starting to wonder about Fozzie's hair as well. It's so soft and easily matts now.
It all depends. Your best idea is when the parent's coats turned. That will give you some direction.
If no parents available, you are pretty much in a waiting game. Some dogs never change :roll: others change super early. I think that my best answer is, good luck!
you know this is funny. When we went to the dog park last weekend with sue and bailey, and robin,lee and edgar...i noticed that baileys coat was still as puppy soft as edgars...pandas has definately gotten coarser...but not bailey...i wonder why!?
Could be conditioners and product or breeding, similar situation as when people wonder about color.
Suzi already has a light colored and pretty harsh coat. Toby is 26ish months and still has a ton of puppy coat and a soft texture. I happened to be whining about his coat to his Grandfather's breeder and she said she knew exactly where it came from. Turns out Grandpa had a soft coat until very late in life; he was just a late bloomer. (Color me embarassed by that one! At least she found it funny.)
shucks..i don't have acess to her parents because she was a rescue puppy. well wish me luck. looks like i will keep the groomer in business at least. i bought a rake brush (sugested by someone on the forum) for the under part of her...only i really do believe she has no undercoat yet. the hair there is so fluffy and soft. her color has definatly changed to light grey. the hair on her back is starting to get course right at the butt. that is all. o please change soon :wink:
The bottom of the legs and the butt is where it starts changing first so if she has coarse butt hair (okay, stop to laugh at elementary school joke!) then you are on your way! Since you are seeing that hair and having matting problems you are probably in the middle of another change. A deep breath and a drink and you'll get through it and on to lower maintenance hair soon.
Maxmm wrote:
The bottom of the legs and the butt is where it starts changing first so if she has coarse butt hair (okay, stop to laugh at elementary school joke!) then you are on your way! Since you are seeing that hair and having matting problems you are probably in the middle of another change. A deep breath and a drink and you'll get through it and on to lower maintenance hair soon.

LOL :lol:

Every oes I have had has been very different in maturing. SKy was a late bloomer too, I just finally snipped off the last of her puppy coat a couple months ago and she is 2 and a half.
o goody she is maturing :lol: and you are not kidding about that drink i am think a full flavored scotch on ice and i guess some scissors, though scissors first scotch second 8)
My charlotte is coming from the usa, and she has a totally different texture then my dutchie.
Charlotte's hair is very soft, and so easy to groom.
Cassy her hair is so thick and not so softs as charlottes.
Archie's coat was baby soft and easily matted in spots until he was probably 3-4 years old. His coat is still not as hard as Merlins' was. Sherman's coat is typical 8 month old soft; Sophie's is really hard already and she's Sherman's litter mate.
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