Dry, brittle hair....anyone else having problems?

My sheepdog seems to be having hair problems. It's very dry and brittle feeling.

I know it's getting cold out, and we leave the heat on at night but we never had this problem last year.

She just had a bath on Saturday, and nothing has changed as far as shampoo, or conditioner. The dryer I used was one we use at work (for dogs), and it only blows slightly warm air.

Her hair is about 12 inches long, and I had it all brushed out before the bath. After she was dry, her hair had numerous knots again. She looks all dry and frizzy.

Should I put her in the bath again and just use conditioner and no dryer?

Does the hair look more unkept as it grows longer?
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It may just be that she is maturing and attaining the correct adult oes texture, which should be very harsh.

If you think the hair is breaking, perhaps check your grooming tools. If there are any bent pins in your brush, pull them out otherwise they will pull out and break coat.

As far as nutritionally, supplementing with omegas 3 and 6 are very helpful. Natrually these are found in eggs and fish, especially salmon.
She is 2 1/2 years old and we've already battled the puppy to adult stage.

I'm using all new grooming combs, and my brush is a pin brush with straight pins.

Are you supposed to trim the hair? You know, like a person.

I don't see any split ends but it's just all frizzy and not uniform like it normally is.
Oh, you mean the doggie's hair. My bad, thought I'd talk about my own dry brittle hair :D
Stacy wrote:
Oh, you mean the doggie's hair. My bad, thought I'd talk about my own dry brittle hair :D

Hahahahaaha....I was thinking the same thing...will Omega 3 work for me??
Hannah wrote:
She is 2 1/2 years old and we've already battled the puppy to adult stage.

I'm using all new grooming combs, and my brush is a pin brush with straight pins.

Are you supposed to trim the hair? You know, like a person.

I don't see any split ends but it's just all frizzy and not uniform like it normally is.

You still have a couple more coat changes ahead of you so it could be the beginnings of that.

Have a look at this thread: http://forum.oes.org/viewtopic.php?t=10404
We've been having a lot of scratching going on with all 3 dogs since we turned the heat on this year. No dander or scabbing, etc., no fleas either, but they scratch a lot. Started putting an oil supplement that we picked up at Petco in their food now which seems to be helping ever so slightly. Definitely isn't a bad idea to give them that kind of supplement in the winter.

Regarding ends, after you are done blow drying the coat, you can snip the ends to make the coat less unkempt. Kind of just look at the shape of her and where the mass of coat is, snip down to there. Some places you might even take off about an inch. This will help with the frizziness.

You might want to take out some of the undercoat in the neck neck, shaw & front of the chest with a stripping tool or rake. This helps give her some shape too so she won't look like a big blob.
Here's another question.....

When they are wet, do you dry them completly, then brush....
or do you brush them while drying with the dryer.

I've always waited until she is completly dry and then brush her out. Maybe that's where the frizzy look is coming from?
I find with mine since they are completely and thoroughly brushed out before a bath, the blow dryer itself is all that is needed. I don't have to brush again when they are dry other than to shape.
I do use the brush a bit while blow drying, to separate hairs etc and enable it to dry faster.
I always brush her out before a bath, but she gets little knots afterward.

I gave her another bath, and let her sit with the conditioner on for about 15 min.

It feels better already.

I was just thinking how my own hair would be if I let it dry on it's own, or if I used a brush while drying. It always looks nice and neat after using a brush to straighten while drying.
One thing many people don't realize is that when bathing an oes with a decent length of coat it's really important not to lather like you would your own hair. I dilute whatever shampoo with mostly water, and then pour that in the wet coat, working it in with my fingers only in the direction of the coat. Rubbing it around in the wrong direction can tie some wicked knots.
Try some Omega Oil Supplements in her food, helps the coat and skin, Cold Pressed Flax Seed oil is a good one to add. :wink:

Lightly tip the ends of her coat too, takes the ratty stringy ends off and helps to thicken it up. :D
Darcy wrote:
Stacy wrote:
Oh, you mean the doggie's hair. My bad, thought I'd talk about my own dry brittle hair :D

Hahahahaaha....I was thinking the same thing...will Omega 3 work for me??

No. I tried that once upon a time, it was like throwing money down the toilet.
Everything is so dry in the winter that I would up the conditioner during the bath. Use a heavier conditioner or one for dry hair and make sure you rinse it completely.
I ALWAYS brush while drying. You can dry the coat most of the way and the finish drying while brushing. You can also use a leave in conditioner while brushing to help tame the frizzies.
I give my sheepies too fish oil supplements in their food. And when i brush them i use special oil slightly sprayed in their coats.
After the bath i always use a conditioner that u don't have to rince out.
So the hairs always stay easy to handle.
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