urinates when excited

:?: Hi,
I have a one year old spade OES Gracie. She is wonderful! The only problem I have is that when someone comes over and she gets excited she urinates. It used to be dribbling but now it is more than that, even if she has just been out to urinate. Anyone else have this problem and any ideas? I plan to call the vet shortly. Thank you.
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Hi Lorrie,

This is often referred to as Submissive Peeing! If this has just begun - I'd have her checked by the Vet - she may have something going on (UTI). Also - alot of spayed females have a problem with the control of the bladder and this may also be the case. Your Vet will be able to determine if that's the cause.

While they are checking her out medically - you should try to build her confidence. When you have visitors (or you greet your dog) - don't pat her on the head - that can attribute to the "submissiveness". Has she ever had formal training - I would recommend this too - this can do wonders to build their confidence. (I sound like a broken record - but make sure it's Positive Reinforcement training only).

I'm going to look up more information for you and I'll post it as soon as I do. Let me know what the Vet says!

I copied this from some advice given by the GREAT Grannie Annie of NEOESR

Grannie Annie wrote in response to submissive urinating:

"Basically, you want the dog to learn that new arrivals
are "non events."By this I mean, no greeting of any kind. You
are right in taking her outside when people arrive (before
is even better!) The point is, ask the guests not to touch her.
At the same time, do not scold her for peeing.

Submissive wetting is caused by a response from the dog
which signifies his submission to you...er ...the guests. One
reinforces the wetting by touching the dog especially on
top of the head.

Here's something to try: (outside) Instruct the dog to sit, then
with voice only, praise and/or offer a treat. Keep doing that and
when she automatically sits, you are on your way. Now ask
a guest to instruct her to "sit." Follow what you did re praise
and/or treat. If you omit the words, "No' or "Bad" the
process of understanding is accelerated. (She will gain
confidence that she is doing right!)

Is it possible that the pup mistakes the reprimand for
jumping as something other than you mean it to?
She pees to show you she is submissive
The "off" is usually successful in training a dog not to jump.
However, a "sit" when the dog is 3 feet in front of you, and
you anticipate his urge to jump, will avoid the jump altogether.
Be sure to praise for the sit.

A training class is a great place to show off what you have
taught her and to learn in front of others some more good stuff.
All the while, puppy is growing confident. The confident dog
does not submissive pee.

Whew....sorry that took so long to get on line.

Fondly, G/A"

My Jack and Annabelle did that a lot when they were babies to about 6 months old, it for the most part stopped, but when we have guests over and the guests happen to be dog people that will give them lots of attention they tinkle a little bit out of excitement. We usually know in advance and take them out to go to the bathroom and then we meet guests outside in the front yard. We just ignore it, because it only happens every once in awhile and they are still puppies that get excited. I would go to a vet to rule out anything serious though, I like being safe rather than sorry. I hope everything works out for you and Gracie, Stormi and co.
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