The Exploding Wound Saga Drones on

So we went back to the vet last night with Clyde because the swelling on the wound still won't go down. The injury is in a place where the infection keeps walling itself off and it having a hard time draining so he has a huge pocket of infection. The vet took him in the back to open the wound up a little more to see if that would help it drain. I made her promise if anything good came out, she'd have to show me.

I was not disappointed.

She came back with Clyde and a little tray that held about 3 ounces of stuff that came out of Clyde that looked like tomato soup, but thinner. Now he's on new, much stronger antibiotics and we're going back in a week. We're also supposed to do super hot compresses as often as we can. If there isn't a significant difference by then, the vet said that it may be in his best interest to excise it because its location is going to prevent a good healing on its own. I told Bear that he was going to have to go to work in a little doggy sweatshop to pay for what he did to his brother.

So, send positive thoughts our way that the swelling goes down and we can avoid surgery. Even though it's minor, I don't want to put him through it. Although if he does go under, he's getting the works-- we'll get teeth cleaned and hips x-rayed too!
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awww, give Clyde a kiss from me....poor baby....and tell Bear that if he doesnt shape up.....there is always camp Callaghan...and trust me, kids dont like this camp 8O
Poor Clyde... I hope it heals up fast....
Jill, sheepie hugs and prayers from us.

Darcy wrote:
tell Bear that if he doesnt shape up.....there is always camp Callaghan...and trust me, kids dont like this camp

Better shape up Bear!
Darcy is so cute!

I hope Clyde gets better fast!! Poor boy.
Poor Clyde. I hope he gets better. I bet he loves all the extra TLC though!
ButtersStotch wrote:
I told Bear that he was going to have to go to work in a little doggy sweatshop to pay for what he did to his brother.
Wouldn't that be a pantshop? :twisted:
Get well soon Clyde!!!!
Aw, poor Clyde! :oops: I hope this new round of meds and treatment works for him!
I'm so glad you posted this, I was thinking about you and poor
It's good that she was able to get some of it out, but I really hope
the new antibiotics work. I'd really hate it if he had to have any-
thing more done, although the extras like teeth might be nice :oops: .
Then at least you wouldn't have to do those things later.
Good luck with the compresses - I don't know if my guys would sit
still for it!
Hope this is the last of the infection - for both of you - but
especially for poor Clyde.
Did the vet say anything about trying to keep it open - did she pack
it, or are you letting it close?

Poor Clyde. Barney says Clyde has to milk it for all it's worth. Lots of extra treats and rubs and dirty looks to Bear.

Have they been getting along okay now? I know you said last week that nothing else had happened. Anything new on that front?
Ron wrote:
ButtersStotch wrote:
I told Bear that he was going to have to go to work in a little doggy sweatshop to pay for what he did to his brother.
Wouldn't that be a pantshop? :twisted:

Very funny Ron! I was trying to figure out why you think sheepies would produce pants rather than sweats and then I realized you meant because they pant instead of sweat. D'oh! :o
barney1 wrote:
Poor Clyde. Barney says Clyde has to milk it for all it's worth. Lots of extra treats and rubs and dirty looks to Bear.

Have they been getting along okay now? I know you said last week that nothing else had happened. Anything new on that front?

We had another altercation that I'll post about later since I have new pics to go with that story...
I knew I shouldn't have come here...

Gagging again..... :pupeyes:

Sorry that things are not working out as hoped. Hope he gets better soon...
Valerie wrote:
Ron wrote:
ButtersStotch wrote:
I told Bear that he was going to have to go to work in a little doggy sweatshop to pay for what he did to his brother.
Wouldn't that be a pantshop? :twisted:

Very funny Ron! I was trying to figure out why you think sheepies would produce pants rather than sweats and then I realized you meant because they pant instead of sweat. D'oh! :o

I'm glad that you didn't initially get it Val...I thought he meant that Darcy was too sophisticated to wear sweats, so she would want a pantshop instead of sweats... :roll:
That is so tough to deal with especially when it is just in the worse possibly place. Hope the new medicine kicks in quickly and is more effective.
barney1 wrote:
Valerie wrote:
Ron wrote:
ButtersStotch wrote:
I told Bear that he was going to have to go to work in a little doggy sweatshop to pay for what he did to his brother.
Wouldn't that be a pantshop? :twisted:

Very funny Ron! I was trying to figure out why you think sheepies would produce pants rather than sweats and then I realized you meant because they pant instead of sweat. D'oh! :o

I'm glad that you didn't initially get it Val...I thought he meant that Darcy was too sophisticated to wear sweats, so she would want a pantshop instead of sweats... :roll:

Gosh - I'm feeling bright :idea: today. :D I actually got it the first time! I'm usually the last one to get Ron's jokes. :oops:
I was expecting the title to be "the exploding wound saga drains on" :lol: :lol:
So sorry to hear what is going on, Kelsey needed surgery in the end too as the same thing kept happening. It is more the scar tissue as it leaves a pocket there that keeps filling up, so had to be cut out and stiched up.

I hope the stronger anti-biotics work for clyde. I tried everything back then but the same thing just kept happening so an operation fixed the problem.

Hugs to you both.
Poor Clyde, sorry to hear he's having a hard time getting better. And thank you for not showing us any photos of the drain! :roll:

How is James doing?? (I hope I'm not ruining your surprise! :wink: )

p.s. we had a nice little dog fight here today for no apparent reason, no blood drawn, but I'm starting to become familiar with Haggis' tasmanian devil look. :(

Poor Clyde, Poor Bear, and Poor Mama!!

You sound so much like me with regards to worrying about our furkids! Thanks for the kind words you posted in regards to Panda and I understand your concern about surgery and sedation.

Has your vet stapled the wound or was it stitched up? Merlin had a deep wound once that was stapled in order for it to drain. Just curious.

I'll be saying my prayers tonight for Clyde and really hope he doesn't need the surgery. Hugs to you as well. Hopefully Bear doesn't have to go to work in a sweat shop to pay for the cost!

Marianne and the boys
Beaureguard's Mom wrote:
barney1 wrote:
Valerie wrote:
Ron wrote:
ButtersStotch wrote:
I told Bear that he was going to have to go to work in a little doggy sweatshop to pay for what he did to his brother.
Wouldn't that be a pantshop? :twisted:

Very funny Ron! I was trying to figure out why you think sheepies would produce pants rather than sweats and then I realized you meant because they pant instead of sweat. D'oh! :o

I'm glad that you didn't initially get it Val...I thought he meant that Darcy was too sophisticated to wear sweats, so she would want a pantshop instead of sweats... :roll:

Gosh - I'm feeling bright :idea: today. :D I actually got it the first time! I'm usually the last one to get Ron's jokes. :oops:

Tammy I got it too on the first time. :D That was very funny Ron. :lol:

I hope the new meds work. Poor Clyde give him a kiss and a hug for me. :ghug: :kiss:
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