Merlin's visit at an Elementary School

Yup I did it...asked permission to bring Merlin to work with me.

If I hadn't experienced it firsthand I would have never believed it! He behaved like he'd been doing it all his life. I mentioned that his behavior lately has been one of constant testing but not on this day!

He stayed at a heel by my side when walking down the hallways and just like when we visited the Island a few months back his previous doggie obedience showed. He always sat if I stood talking for aprox a min and after three mins always laid down. We ended up visiting all the classrooms in the school and even being surrounded by 400 some odd children that day didn't faze him one bit. They clapped and cheered for him in some and awwww best of all one entire class of fifth graders drew Merlin Pictures and gave them to me at the end of the day!!!

Returning home we stopped at the offleash dog park and he turned back into his rumbunctious self..ah well least we had a good day. The principal even told me that she had recieved so many positive reports on his "outstanding behavior" (My Merlin?) see he shocked me too! If possible I will be allowed to bring him on a regular basis to school with me next year!!!
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Wow, what a great experience this must of been! I am so glad that it went so well! Children love animals, and I think that animals can teach them (and us all) so much about kindness and caring! I will talk to my principal to see if she will allow to bring my baby next year. I hope she agrees!!! How is your dog park patrol going? :D
Thanks Marley for your comments.

I love my offleash dog park and while I just love the regulars four and two legged ones there are the occasional ones that show up that makes you shrug at times and wonder what the heck made them visit.

Last week there was a fellow that called Merlin my "filthy, dirty , digusting dog" GRRRRR. At first I thought Merlin had humped his dog. Nope.
Hey he's talking about my dog!!! Okay his beard is always wet and dripping from drinking at the doggie water fountain but the rest of him is beautiful. This fellow is pretty anal anyhow, doesn't even park his car in the parking lot but on the street and doesn't allow his dog to play with the you have to wonder why he even goes to an offleash? Luckily those people are far and few between . :D

I imagine he's a neat freak and never let his children (if he has any) get a bit dusty when playing. Me, I'd rather let my boys have a great time playing with friends and socializing with everyone.( Speaking of my four legged furballs.) My response was to sit on the bench and laugh and say " You're at a dog park, you can't pick and choose your dog's friends and besides we're staying if you don't like it - leave". I should mention I was never so bold with my uprights . Pfffff calling my Merlin , filthy , dirty and digusting...why I outta..... :roll:

Just wish he could have viewed Merlin the day of his visit to school, beautifully groomed and so well behaved. I just have to remember that this person is probably not high up on the gene pool anyhow, so he would have thought I had a different dog. Ha Ha!
ive seen pictures of merlin and hes absolutely gorgeous... i cant even believe that guy would say that to you. but it is funny that hes insulting a dog that obviously has better social skills than him!!
Hi Marianne,

Congatulations! That is so great about Merlin going to school with you. I can imagine how proud you must be. This young bouncy sheepie showed you that his Momma(you), Shaggy, Blue, and now Panda has taught him well. He just wants you to know that he still might get a little rambunctious at times but you wouldn't want him any other way.
If only you could of just commanded Merlin to hump the rude man. 8O :lol: Just kidding, but he did deserve it. :wink: Give all of your crew hugs and belly rubs. Stormi and co.
hey Marianne,thats awesome he must have the insticnt to behave around kids I bet he'd do very well around elders also.
My sheepie Mickey I went up too work to get a check and I brought him along.He was so wonderful he looked like he had been trained for a Therapy dog!! 8O
Little elder ladies bent down to pet him and he's sit dwn and let them do it.So Im hoping this will be a trait of his. :wink:
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