Please Keep Panda Your Thoughts

Once again, I'm having Panda completely sedated at the vets tomorrow to have some things checked and also have him shaved right down while he's under.

I'm always very fearful when he needs complete sedation as anestetic is not without risk but Panda is not able to have things checked out unless he's sedated.

I have to drop him off tomorrow before work and will pick him up after. I will be frantic with worry the entire time. He'll be a naked boy when I pick him up and will probably wonder what the heck happened to him!!

I know it's his past history of abuse that causes so much anxiety . He's gotten better with time and I am confident that eventually I'll be able to do it all without him stressing. Still I'm so anxious about putting him through this and really worried.

Please keep him in your thoughts

Marianne and the boys
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aweee.. I hope panda's time there isn't too stressful! Maybe the people who work there will give him lots of hugs and kisses. And I hope your day goes by fast, so you get your furkid back!!
I hope also Marianne that your day passes quickly, love to your special boy Panda, I know all will go OK, don't stress and enjoy the naked boy when he returns, give him a huge belly rub from us when he is home. :wink:
Marianne I hope your day passes fast :D and your sweet Panda is back in your arms sooon! :D Don't forget to bring him a

I hope all goes well with Panda and he is home before you know it... a little less hairy..

I will be thinking about the both of you.

Dudley and Murph
Sending good vibes to dear Panda!! I look forward to the update when he wakes up naked. :D
Naked Panda will be just fine. Maybe you should shave down a cat or two so he doesn't feel so obvious about his nakedness.
Positive thoughts & well wishes for Panda & you both! :D
I'll be thinking about you both today. Poor Panda, no fur and winter's coming.
I hope it goes well...
Think happy thoughts! :cheer: Panda will be fine, Mommy! It's very understandable to be concerned about him but if this is the only way he can be groomed and checked out to stay healthy, so be it. Let us know how he makes out!
Panda girls eyes got wide at the mention of a naked Panda shameless girl.....

Good thought are with you....give Panda boy a kiss from me, but NOT Panda girl :oops:
Hope your day flies by so you can see the vetted and naked Panda boy! :D
Poor Marianne! Poor naked Panda!
I know everything will be just fine. I am thinking of
you both today, and before you know it, he will be
Marianne, you probably stress about your pets
more than if you had to go to the Dr yourself. You
have such lucky pets to care so deeply about them -
all of them!

Poor nekkid Panda! :D Here's hoping & wishing everythings turns out ok.
I assume tomorrow is now today??

I get so confused with these darn time zones.. 8O

Here's hoping all is going well and your chilly Panda boy will be back all nice and comfy at home tonite with his loving mom.
How's he doing Marianne? Poor Panda. :cry:
Hi Everyone!!

Thanks so much for your well wishes and thoughts of us today!

Panda was greeted by the resident cat at the vet hospital and when Panda went to give her kisses he got two swipes on the nose. Not even reacting he just looked at the cat like "hey the kitties I live with let me kiss them!".

I had to place the muzzle on Panda in order for them to sedate him :cry:
Seeing him like that is so hard but I tried to remain upbeat so Panda wouldn't sense my stress. Blah I'm sure Panda wasn't fooled. He was butt wiggling with the vet and the assistant, but once again like the last time, took three of us to hold him while the needle went in.

Soon as I got to work (10 mins later) I called to ask how he was, then I called again at 11 am, then again at 2pm. Oh boy! You guys are right I'm never like that except with my furballs. I even remembered that I wanted him on IV fluids for extra safeguard while he was under expense spared I said. I'm sure they chuckled watching me leave in my van which I had to crawl over the seat via passenger side as my drivers door is jammed. Priorities first however!! Ha Ha

Panda's kennel just happened to be next to Scout , one of his dog buddies from the dog park. Wonder if they chatted about how their mean moms left them there? :wink:

He was so happy to see me and is glad that Panda girl has thoughts of his new look. :wink:

Yeah!!!! His ears are fine!!!!! Took a couple of flushings previously but this time no infection and looking good!!!

Panda is now bragging he spends 300 dollars on his haircut. Probably telling his dog buddies it was A La Scottsdale Hair Salon. I got off "cheap" this time as the other 3 times I've had this done it's been 500. Still it's never about the money, Panda is priceless!
No worries about the cold just yet, except for rain on our Coast. our weather is still pretty mild.

I am so happy to hear that Panda's ears were in good shape.
I know what a nightmare they had been.
I can't wait to see pics of your naked boy. :lol:
Marianne wrote:
Blah I'm sure Panda wasn't fooled.

Just a tip that I learned from showing, especially since I was a nervous wreck doing it. Always eat mints/chew gum as the dogs can smell the adrenalin change in your breath. Believe it or not, it worked - although maybe the thought of me concealing the stress from my dog, actually calmed me down...
I'm so glad to hear everything went ok!
You guys are the best!!!! I really mean that and thanks again to all of you!!

Marianne and the boys
So glad he's okay! :D
So happy everything went well and so relieved for his mommie too. :D

Great about his ears WOO HOO a clean bill of health.
That's a relief. Glad he's OK.
I am glad he is okay! Please post a picture of his new look.
Glad to hear that Panda had a good day at the "spa" :wink:
Yey for Panda boy! Panda girl knew he'd be fine!! :hearts:
Hi Again,

Thanks everyone! I posted a photo of my barenaked boy in the photos section.
:clappurple: Just found this thread.Panda looks great! Best wishes from Willoughby. :D
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