Wild Man While Grroming!!

Mr. Muggs is a 7m/o Sheepie. Everytime we brush him, he tries to bite us, and he scratches us. 8O He's a WILD man when grooming comes into the picture. Any Suggestions on how to stop him from being so wild?!

-C & Mr. Muggs
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I use a grooming table with my 7 mth old sheepies. It has the arm on it that I attach a grooming leash to them. It keeps their head up. Do this for maybe 5 minutes each day and gradually increase the grooming time. Eventually they become so accustom to the grooming they get to where they love the attention and the grooming. You can also have treats on hand so that the pup can chew on the treat keeping him occupied while you are grooming.

Hope this helps.
Make sure Mr. Muggs gets lots of exercise before grooming. He will be more inclined to relax on the table. Make the grooming sessions something he will look forward to by using lots of affection and small bits of treats. Use a soft brush until he becomes used to the routine. Most dogs are especially reluctant to have their feet worked on so focusing on them will make things easier when he grows older. Same with the ears and teeth.

My first OES raised from a puppy (1981) never liked to be groomed and we gave into him. We had to have him sedated to shave down twice a year. You couldn't get close to him with any type of grooming tool without the risk of losing a limb... and it was all our fault for letting him make the decisions for us. :oops: :oops: Fortunately, we didn't make the same mistake with Nelson as he loves to be groomed. :phew:
I sit on my dog, with my legs over her. When she tries to kick, I make sure my legs hold her legs down. When she used to growl, and still goes through periods, I tell her she's being a good dog, go slower (a few strokes with the back of the brush), and give her treats every 10 minutes. Other times, I tell her "WHAAAAAAAAAAT? You talking to ME" ...and she puts her head back down. :twisted: :lol:
Lol...L...I do the EXACT same thing...But I tell Panda that she is a good girl over and over again....I mean really who doesnt like having their hair brushed.....wish someone would brush mine :?
Joahaeyo wrote:
I sit on my dog, with my legs over her.

I don't know why, but this cracked me up!
Cracked me up too. :D I feel boring, just using a grooming table. Does your method double as yoga too??! :lol:

I wish I had a grooming table and a place to put it. No way I'm sitting in a garage in Alaska to groom her.
My table used to be in the garage too - and I liked it in Minnesota about as well as you do in Alaska!

Now the kids are grown and the room we still call the playroom has become the grooming room and I can leave my table set up all the time!!
It is actually supposed to be a bedroom? , in our old 150+ yr. farmhouse. As it opens dierctly from the livingroom and has the stairway to the upstairs in the room - so we never used it as such.

It has the birds, aquarium, computer, filing, bookshelves, gun case, sewing machine, craft supplies and granddaughter's toys -all around the edges. The grooming table is right in the middle! So it does get used as a table for other things occasionally, but that makes it more versatile I guess. I love having it handy - I know I use it alot more.
Joahaeyo wrote:

I wish I had a grooming table and a place to put it. No way I'm sitting in a garage in Alaska to groom her.

We just use a desk/table in a spare bedroom with a piece of industrial carpet with rubber backing (like an indoor welcome mat) to soften the surface and prevent sliding around the table. Maybe if you had a folding table you could set it up and put it away when you don't need it?

Bosley's mom has a fantastic homemade table that folds away....
Although since your yoga kung-foo restraint technique is working well for you.... stick with what works! :lol:
I put a blanket on the dining room table and groom izzie up there...although she usually tries to escape at the first sign of the grooming blanket :twisted:

I give her small treats every few minutes and try to say calming things. Over time it seems as if she has gotten better and better about it.
I groom Panda in the backyard...she lays on the sidewalk and I sit on the step above her...with my legs over her to hold her in place. 8O
Pictures, pictures!!! We need pictures Darcy and Leanne!!
I take out my grooming table, set it up in my family room. Bosley comes over, and puts his front paws on it and tries to get up by himself.

I have to heave the big goof up..I do his sides, and neck and butt, either standing or lying down.... When I start to get close to his legs he gets onto his tummy and hides his paws underneath his body and is ready to continue.... :roll:

He likes the grooming attention, but is VERY sensitive about those furry paws....We take special care with them.. :)

We started very young with him, very gentle and lots of treats for good behavior during the sessions. The table is close to my bar, where I keep a small bowl of doggie goodies for him.
Welcome to the forum! :)

I definitely recommend a grooming table first of all... and gradually teach him to stay still on it for longer periods of time. Start off with having him lay on his side for a few minutes with you brushing him, perhaps while holding a treat that he can nibble but can't quite get, to keep him occupied. After a few minutes let him have the treat, and then let him get up and go play.

Lots of exercise before a grooming session helps too, a tired dog is a good dog :)
Barney likes to be groomed. He starts prancing when I go to the closet and get out the brushes.

He'll usually start by sitting down on the tile while I am sitting on the couch. Then he'll collapse onto his side and I can groom completely one side. My problem is he doesn't roll over :evil: So I get a haf-brushed sheepie at any given time. Oh well...
Sheepdog-Champion06 wrote:
Mr. Muggs is a 7m/o Sheepie. Everytime we brush him, he tries to bite us, and he scratches us. 8O He's a WILD man when grooming comes into the picture. Any Suggestions on how to stop him from being so wild?!

-C & Mr. Muggs


I have posted on this a number of times before. Most recently at


My post referes back to several earlier posts, with links. Hopefully there are some points that will help you along the way.

Thanks and Cheers

when sadie was young i had this problem. ( as i do with most of the dogs i groom for people) .. i find that if you hold them down while they are struggleing ( this includes if you need to use your body weight to win ) then when they stop count to five then praise them like mad ... its all about making the table a "happy" experiance.

now i bring out the grooming table and saide jumps up on it without hesitation. usually before im even in the room. leaving it up is no longer an option i could never get her Off of it

Table manners are just like any other trick it's learned behavior and it sticks when it is a positive event.
Bosley's mom wrote:
The table is close to my bar, where I keep a small bowl of doggie goodies for him.

and lots of drinks for you?
haha Dudster that's why my grooming stuff is in my basement ... :D :twisted:
I use Joahaeyo's technique due to lack of space, with one exception I tie him fast to an antique blanket chest with a training leash, then pin him when needed with my legs. I've tried to get Bobby to help hold, but Chaunce was up, down, right, left and all this with ME holding a sharp object. Easier my way.
BTW......Santa, I need a grooming table and room for it.
BTW......Santa, I need a grooming table and room for it.

all you should ask for is the table ... space is easy ... the distance between your television and your couch ... good place ... ( my dad gets super angry but ... it works soooo well ) ... ooo or if you have a big enough kitchen ( aka the kind you dont need to leave to change your mind ) if you cover everything right smack dab in the middle works :P ...
great thing about grooming tables is they fold up ... you know all those commercials for tredmills and ab crunchers and crap that fold up ... same deal-e-o with a grooming table :D
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