
Okay I will try not ask anything here, just state what I found out.

Remy is definitely 2 yrs old. The male (her dad) is 5 yrs old. I know who he came from, that means his hips/elbows/eyes/heart of his parents have all be checked. The female (mom), I also found out where she came from. If I wanted to I could trace her back a couple of generations.

As for personality/temperment you couldn't get two nicer and affectionate dogs. They are exactly what you'd want an OES to be. The pups they had on site are kept in a clean and lg area. They've been well looked after and all are happy inquisitive little pups. Soooooooo cute.

The breeder has no children, so these are her babies. If she can't place 1 or 8 of them then she is very happy to keep them all. She filled me on the breeding that her females went through, heat cycles. I am welcome to visit any time I want. They also had the female (mom) auntie dog on site. But she has never been used for breeding. She was the first pet. She's now 8or9.

Today we took in a guniea pig, but I won't place this animal, this one is here to stay.

As a side note, I would buy a dog in a second from this breeder. She is someone that enjoys her dogs, and it shows. She's NOT in it for money.
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Hi TajiaBlue,

That is great news! It is also great to find out that Remy's breeder has been responsible in making sure that her breeders have been checked for hips, ect... I think all of that is very important, but temperment is just as important and its great that her mom and dad have that. It should have rubbed off on her and she should be able to pass it to her babies.
Is there anyway to get a duplicate set of papers from Remy's papers? That would be nice to have so that when and if Remy has puppies that they can be traced as well.
Congratulations on your guinea pig. We rescued a little box turtle, he is doing great so far. Then my dad found a large soft shell turtle at his job. He builds tires so it wasn't a safe area for the turtle. He over heard the security saying they could cut off the turtles head and save the shell. My dad called me and we were able to rescue her and took her to a vet, we thought with all the carbon black she could get sick, but she was healthy and we let her go in our neighborhood pond. We came home and found out all about her over the internet and figured out as far as she was from water that she was probably looking for a place to lay eggs. It was a fun and a great learning experience for my kids.
I am glad to see you posting again. I hope that the opinions of other won't stop you from posting. Good luck with Remy and keep us posted on her journey. Stormi and company
Wow! That is great information on Remy's parents. It sounds as though their personality and health are great. It also sounds as though Remy's breeder is quite willing to share information with you - always a plus if you do decide to breed her. Just out of curiosity - do you happen to know if the breeder shows her dogs?

And congratulations on the new addition to the family (the guinea pig).
We have guinea pigs too... :lol: It's a zoo I know, more animlas than people, and that says a lot around here! :lol:
Here's a link to pics of my guinea pigs.
One of them had babies 3 weeks ago. So cute.
Willowsprite, you have a great website. I LOVE siamese cats, I have been fortunate to have one in my life years ago. I tried convincing my husband to getting one, but once he heard them "talking" he didn't want it. They had one at the shelter 7 years ago, we ended up with our beautiful Jake, a grey and white domestic. I can still get a siamese fix when visiting my auntie, she has the most beautiful choc point, complete with attitiude. As a side note my daughter's middle name is Sky. Love it.

We are all in love with our pig, I named her Rose. Question about them...do they accept other pigs after being a solitare one. I'd love to get another female for company, a baby probably. And when they chirp away this mean happy right?

Thank you all for the encouraging words. I will let everyone know what happens after Remy goes through her x-rays.
Rose would probably love a companion, they are very social, and even after being alone for a few months or even years, everyone I have seen has welcomed companionship. Though I wouldn't put 2 males together, a male and female or 2 females usually get along great. If you put a male and female together expect babies! They are so cute. My daughter's guinea pig chirps and squeals whenever it hears the fridge door open, because it wants a carrot or apple. LOL They chirp at each other a bit in the evenings, but are fairly quiet most of the time.
And my hubby doesn't like the way the cats "talk" so much either... :lol:
But he lives with it... like I live with his snoring! :lol:
Pirate has an older brother, Khobi, a 9 year old blue point siamese. Khobi is a total baby! He has to sleep next to me, tucked up tight against my chest, and I have to cup his face with my hand, or he will loudly complain.

Before getting Khobi, I was very leary of Siamese. I had heard they were mean. But now I know differently. They are very dependent, very loving creatures that need to perch and chatter.
When someone is thinking of buying an OES they can get the puppies parents DL number and go on a site where all dogs and bitches who had their hips evaluated are listed. When you meet the breeder you want to see the papers from hip and eye evaluation, this is your proof not word of mouth.

When breeding a bitch when you want to get a stud the owner will want to see these papers as well. The pedigree of the dog and bitch are used to trace the medical history of both potential parents. It is used to produce for the betterment of the breed. This is a time consumimg process. Papers/pedigree are needed when breeding is being considered by responsible breeders. JMHO
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