Chumley -- latest thinking

The neurologist acknowledged that diagnosing Chum is very much like an episode of House. The latest theory is that she has some sort of lymphoma affecting her nervous system. They are focused on her spine, having consistently ruled out problems in her brain. They hope to have results from today's tests next week. I get to pick her up this evening.
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At least she gets to come home...give her extra hugs for us. :ghug:
I hope they find out soon what is troubling Chum... so she can start to mend.

Thinking about you and the girls.

Fingers crossed.
Thanks. I get the impression that mending may not be on the table. I think it is more likely that I should be enjoying what time she has remaining as a happy, continent dog. :?
You've definitely gone above and beyond to do everything possible to help Chum... all of us wish there was a diagnosis and of course good prognosis, but as you said, sometimes it's just a matter of enjoying the time you have. Chum has been such a good sport, such a fighter... may you have much more time to enjoy her, and her you.
How frustrating it must be to not have a definite diagnosis. :? And all the while, Chum is just her happy, friendly self! :hearts: Give her an extra hug from me and Drez, and give Miss Maggie a belly rub, too! :kiss:
All of our good thoughts and energy are being sent your way! Panda and I want to give her a soft kiss and a belly rub....

Panda just wants to tackle Maggie :?
I wish that there were something more they could do. You have certainly done everything that is possible to help her. I guess now it's just a matter of keeping her as healthy & comfortable as possible for as long possible and enjoying what time you have. Every day is a gift.

Chumley is such a lady, never complaining, always happy...I wanna be like her. :hearts:
Awww, vet just called to say Chummie is still groggy and painful from her tests today so they want to keep her overnight. I'm glad they are looking out for her but I'm sad she's not coming home. :(
AWWW hope she is home tomorrow for you :( We are thinking about you two :hearts: I hope they can give you some kind of answer when all the test results are in.
Poor kid. It sucks that this is so much of a mystery. I hope this resolves as best it can. I can't even imagine how frustrating this must be for you.
I'm starting to think maybe I should stop trying to find an answer and subjecting her to these tests since I gather none of the possibilities is actually treatable. . . Poor Chummie. She is such a dear, sweet, lovey girl. Luckily, she seems sort of clueless about what's happening to her. :?

Just love her while you can. Hoping & Praying that there will be good results for Chum.

Awe. Sometimes "clueless" might not be such a bad thing. She is such a light and precious. I'm still remembering the picture of her looking at you lovingly. Maybe she'll outlast everyone like Marianne's Shaggy. We're thinking of you guys. She sure is having a great life in spite of all of the goings on. She is really lucky to have you and I know you're making the absolute best decisions as you go.
Poor sweety. Up and down, up and down. That is so difficult.
I am so sorry, I cannot begin to imagine how frustrated I would be if I were you.
If all the possibilities are not treatable I wouldn't subject her to the testing anymore. jmo
Enjoy her and love her. The fact that she doesn't seem to notice that she is sick is a good thing and might even work to her advantage.

We're thinking of you guys. lots of love and hugs

If they can't find the reason for Chum's illness, hopefully they will give you something that will comfort her.. and as you said, you can just spend whatever time you have with her, just enjoying her and everyday that she is here.

Truly, I admire you.. you have been dealing with this for a long time and have never given up hope.

Kisses to the girls from us in Nova Scotia, and if God willing, Chum and Dud will be lounging under a big tree and M&M will be tearing up the park next summer.
What a truly loving Mom you are!! You've never given up hope for a diagnosis and treatment, but now that that doesn't seem possible, you don't want her to suffer through any more testing. You are such an angel for Chum, and I know she loves you very much for it.

Like some have said, she just may surprise all the doctors and live a good, long time yet. But whatever the outcome, you've been the best thing that's ever happened to her. And I'm sure you feel the same about her in return.

You're in my thoughts and prayers.
Val, there is no doubt that you are Chum's guardian angel and biggest fan. Whatever and however you elect to deal with this situation will be the right one.

We all support you and your burning drive to do what's best for this wonderful dear girl.


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