I've been lied to :o(

I have been trying to get the people whom I bought Remy from tell me who the breeder was. Her exact birthdate, shots done etc.

When I picked her up, the newspaper ad said 5 mths old. They said she turned 6 mths ... had shots done...no proof. I asked they said they would get me the breeder's name, phone etc no problem. Well, 6 mths later still nothing, and update on the previous owners they split up.

I'm reading the paper and see another new ad for OES puppies. I call them, and I found Remy's breeder. I confirmed by some baby pictures, and other things that I had. Well she is not a puppy but infact turned 2 years old last week. I was a bit shocked to find out I did not have a puppy. She acts like a puppy, she is small, but perfect for us. I am happy to know I do not have to replace my kennel...she is full grown. I've been feeding her puppy food, lg breed.

Now I'm happy to proceed ahead with the breeding. This weekend I get to meet her parents, and aunties. Plus see some puppies, that will be fun. Now I will find out her history, health concerns etc. Also happy to find them this way I can screen potential studs and make sure I'm not breeding to a sibling or cousin/half brother.

Anyways, just thought I'd let everyone know I can now trace back Remy's line and see the health of the mom and dad. The breeder actually invited me to come before I could ask, so that gives me hope she will be a good friend and a help when I start breeding.
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I'm probably going to catch some flack by saying this but...

I would not breed your dog TajaBlue! If you were lied to about the age - what else have you been lied to about? Who's to say they are telling you the truth now??? How do they know which litter she is from? I'm sure they've had more than just that litter. How do you even know that this is the breeder?

Why do you want to breed her?

Responsible breeding should be for the betterment of the breed - if you didn't realize that your dog was 2 years old and thought she was just a puppy - my assumption would be that she does not meet the standards of an OES. There is a dramatic difference in looks and size of a 6 month old vs a 2 year old OES.

Of course, this is just my opinion!
I agree with Britpressyd, do you have the dogs papers? Does she have a tatoo that the breeder can trace? If she is small for a sheepdog that could lead to serious complications giving birth.... I would just urge you to look into things more carefully and think it through long and hard.
So sorry I posted anything. I just thought we were a group that were interested in each other's experiences with the sheepdogs. Obviuosly no one remebered I got this dog second hand. I took the previous owners word for it that she was 6 mths. Being my first OES I had nothing to compare her size to I have since measured her and she is in the exact range for OES ckc standards.

The BREEDER, is the one I found. She has kept a record of every pup sold and where they went. She was able to trace the dog that way. I also have baby pictures placing the dog on a certain property, which I described and confirmed. I will be visiting the breeder to see Remy's parents. Remy will go through the procedures of x-rays and stuff, BEFORE I go ahead and breed her. All of which a "reputabable" breeder would. Papers mean nothing to me. Unhealthy dogs also come with "papers" it's the breeder's responsiblity to ensure the dog is healthy. I will take a close look at the parents, and what my vet says when the tests come back.

Enough said I think. I'm sorry but I find this forum very rude sometimes and everyone wants to jump to the worst conclusions every time I say something. I love my dog, and I have enough experiences with other breeds that I'm not stupid when it comes to some things. The previous owners were the ones that lied, why I don't know, it's not the dog's fault. She is perfect, I always thought she was better behaved than a puppy would be. Anyways, I'm done trying to defend myself. Bye.

If she had been 6 mths when I got her, then today she'd be 10 mths. I'm sure a 10 mth old is close to full grown. Doesn't matter now, she is in the standard.
When you post -anywhere- about a controversial subject such as breeding, you must expect there to be disagreement.

If you're going to breed, or you're going to show, you're going to wind up in discussions with people that are much less civilized than you're seeing here. These issues, for whatever the reason, bring out a very aggressive nature in people who have very storng feelings about the subject. All in all, I thought they did a fairly good job of being civil in their responses.

I know you're upset, but could you take a moment to read this other post of mine?



You are welcome here, and your opinions are welcome here, and your stories about your decision making process about breeding Remy are welcome here.

I know it is HARD to do, but PLEASE try not to take it personally.

I'd also like to remind everyone else to temper your posts with softness if at all possible. We all love our sheepdogs.

Joan and I are sheepieless (shameless plug for sympathy) ;)
PS I'd like to chat with you privately if possible. Since you're not registered on the forum, I can't initiate the conversation. Could you drop me an email (or register) so we can chat for just a bit?

Webmaster @ oes . org

Thanks Ron,

I know everyone is touchy when it comes to breeding etc. But that's not it, I once asked a question about grooming and got jumped on for being cruel.

This is a great place to learn more about Sheepies, esp day to day life. But I don't think I will post anymore, it's to frustrating for me. I once posted as a guest and got a better nicer response then when I used my name.

Good luck with your forum. You got a good way of saying things, and you've always been fair. I looked at the post you listed and I agree with your statement 100%. There are good breeders and bad, good dogs and bad. I take alot of pride in my ability with the dogs that we've had, and now with alot of research we settled with Remy. I expect to have many years with her as a beloved pet for our family.

The breeding may or may not happen, that's up to the vet to decide...not me.

Bye for now.
Even though I didnt respond, I feel the need to defend the previous posters. Rude or not, it makes me (and I imagine others) incredibly nervous that someone with no experience with OES's is beginning to breed them. I re-read your post and I still see where the others had confusion/concern about whether or not you had papers/all the info you needed.

Because we all love Sheepies so much there is of course going to be passion in all our posts, especially when it comes to something as important as making even more of these precious puppies.

That being said, I really hope you continue to post, you've given me some advice before that i appreciated, and i know i would love to hear about your breeding experiences with remy.
Taijablue wrote:
[...] I once asked a question about grooming and got jumped on for being cruel.

Yes, I see that post now. Sorry I missed that then.

Good luck to you. Please keep an eye on what is going on at the forum and the website, and let us (me) know how things progress (or not) with Remy.

Taijablue wrote:
Bye for now.

Take care.

I think that it is great that you found the original breeder and that you will get a chance to visit them and meet the parents, aunts, puppies etc. This will also give you a chance to cover all the issues regarding breeding Remy. I'm sure that the breeder will be able to give you a lot of information - pros and cons.

It sounds as though you are doing all the research and making sure that Remy is healthy before you make a decision on breeding her.

I also believe that the other posters on this board have brought up some good questions that Remy's breeder should be able to answer (papers, genetic history etc.). Like you, we are all extremely passionate about our sheepies and wish to do our best for them. Unfortunately, some of the posts may come across a bit harsher that the poster originally intended.

I hope you will continue to post since I would really like to hear the results of your visit to the breeder.
I'm sorry if you thought my reply was rude, though I don't personally think it was. I was simply suggesting things I would look into myself, whether you do or not is your decision. I would hate to see anyone leave this board because others are expressing their opinions. That's what a discussion is, in essence, making a statement and replying to statements or questions.
Everyone here has a deep love of old english sheepdogs, most love animals in general, but as sheepie fans in general, we tend to be fiercely protective of this breed we love so much. I can only speak for myself, but I simply want to see these dogs stay healthy, happy and loved because they give so much love to us. I would hate to see you lose your friend, Remy, or go through the heartbreak of losing pups, if something went wrong, and the best way to avoid that is to be informed, educated, and put the dog first. It sounds like that is what you want to do, so I was simply suggesting a couple more ways for you to be as informed as possible.
I'm sorry if you thought my reply was rude, though I don't personally think it was.

I didn't think it was rude, either. If you ask a question- especially on such a sensitive issue- you have to be prepared to take critisism as well as praise for your (planned) actions.
TaijaBlue, Perhaps I missed something, but did you mention why you want to breed?
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