

We just found a baby box turtle and have decided to keep him. (well, I don't actually know if it is a boy, but we will call him that.) :wink: I have read tons of information and so far he is thriving and really tame, or as tame as a turtle can be. :D My problem is probably a pretty dumb question, but I can't find the answer. I read that turtles carry salmonella and humans should wash up after they handle a turtle. Are my dogs or cats at any risk? I have searched high and low for this info with nothing found. Any info would be appreciated. Thanks, Stormi and company
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Hi, I don't know if this would help you but, my puppy was on BARF(RAW) diet while she was with the breeder and when we got her, she had really bad diarreah and we took her to the vet. It took us 2 weeks to find out she had salmonella. She had go on series of antibiotics for weeks and her growth was very slow compare to her siblings. After that experience, we do everything to avoid her to catch anything like that. It has been a year since but she still has problems here and there. Your dog is mature so it may not be too big of a concern but it might be better to talk to your vet. I hope you will do the best for your dog.
I wouldn't worry too much unless the dogs and cats are licking the turtle. As long as you wash your hands things should be ok. I had an iguana for 10 years, they also can carry salmonella, however, we never had a problem. Of course, our pets were afraid of it so I never had to worry about them licking it.

This post is almost a month old and we have since talked to a vet who said pretty much the same thing Willow said. They all will be fine, just don't let them lick the turtle or drink the water that he stays in. Well, with my crew they love water, so we have made the turtle an outside herpetarium that he is loving. The dogs can't get to him and we can still observe him and feed him easily.
To guest, I am sorry that you and your puppy had to go through such an experience. I am glad that she is much better. AND, of course I am going to do what is best for my dog.
Thanks again, Stormi and co.
LOL I hadn't even noticed the post was a month old.... LOL
No problem, it probably isn't something that many people need to know, but at least now the info is there if someone needs it.
I think the guest made a great point about the barf diet and for the people who feed BARF can research further to keep their pets healthy.
The iguana sounds really cool, I would love to have one, but I don't know if I could afford to take care of it the right way after it got larger. If our house gets any more animals, it is going to be a functioning zoo. At least, the kids and hubby don't mind, but its everyone else that has an opinion on it. I look at it this way if you can't smell dog, kitty litter boxes, and my children, pets, and house are clean and healthy, everyone is fine.
Has your "5th" child left yet, or do you still have an extra? Hows that going? I bet when they are older it probably is a lot easier because they keep busy, but when they are under 5, then it is like being tortured.
What I have found that I am not looking forward to is birthday parties coming up. Ashlan will be 7 and probably about the age where parents drop off their kids instead of staying and waiting.
That barf diet stuff makes me nervous too. It is true that they eat raw foods in the wild, but domesticated dogs are not wild, and they don't have access to eat the same herbs and things that may have aided digestion as wolves do. Also, a dog or wolf in the wild would never butcher, process and store a kill. They would just kill it and eat it, no chance for bacteria to grow. Anyway, that's just my oppion on that.... to each his or her own...
As for the spare child, lol, she is staying with her grandmother for a few days and will be going home to her mother on july 26th. It was a bit much for me to have them all here all the time since the weather has been so rainy and grey, it gets too boring, for kids of any age.
As to the pets in your home.... lol... I know the feeling. My house is always a write off, it bugs me, but not that much. I don't like company though because I am always worried about what they think.... but onyl to a point. It is clean, dishes done, floors washed a lot etc.... but it is a MESS. As far as I'm concerned, if people don't like it, don't come over. *shrug* Our house is small, has too many people and too many animals, but I don't care, love em all... we just need to find a bigger house!
Iguanas are very cool, and have such a personality, something most don't expect from a lizard. I'd love to get one again, but we definitely don't have anywhere to put it at the moment. They are a lot of work, I made Blizz a fresh salad every day out of romaine lettcue, carrots, all kinds of different fruits and veggies every day. They need a small heating lamp and heating rock when they are young but as they get older they are fine as long as they have access to a sunny window. I built a 6ft tall terrarium for her, about 4ft by 4 ft square, and made a waterfall out of slate rocks with an aquarium pump hidden in the rocks to move the water, as well as a real tree for her to lounge on and climb on.
Re the kids age thing, my favorite age is between newborn and 4 years. Once they go to school that innocence is all over. My oldest is a girl and has always been an amazing kid, no problems with her, ever.... my boys are a handful, but they are better than they were... they're getting older.
I'm not looking forward to when they all start to move out, they grow up so fast, in the blink of an eye you'll wonder where all those years went.
Ah, looks like I'm rambling again! LOL Sorry about that! LOL
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