Sam's antics (likely to become LONG)

I'm new, and my OES is having some health trouble, but I'm sure reliving some of his dafter moments will help me deal with it -

First off, I've had him since I was nine years old, and I'm nineteen now.

1. Not long after we had finished puppy-training, we were trying to teach Sam to walk off-the-leash. Of course this lead to a disaster or two, and at age ten or so I lost him in the country park nature reserve near my home. Three long, tearful hours were spent roaming the hillsides and asking people if they'd seen him, before I finally knew I had to go home and get my dad to help look. Trudging the two miles back, I was positive he was dead. Dad, quick as a flash, is out the back gate the moment he hears my tale of woe, car keys in hand - only to meet Sam, FOLLOWING ME HOME, making sure that *I'm* safe, all along!

2. A similar incident - our fence blew down in a storm, and Sam nipped out of the neighbour's gate. At midnight I rush into the rain, in pyjamas and shoes, howling 'Saaaam! Saaaaam!'. I go through the fallen fence, follow him outside... and find him standing with a dopey expression on his face, outside OUR gate, looking in and wondering why it's shut.

3. Another mishap with off-leash training, Sam disappears across the horizon and I find him sitting in the middle of TWO-WAY TRAFFIC JAM, on a dual carriage way ('freeway'). Yes, he was CAUSING the traffic jam. I can't believe how lucky we both were that day, stupid dog, and stupid me.

4. Sam's in the garden, minding his own. Stands unsuspectingly on my brother's skateboard, so it flips up. Turns around, spots the skateboard, gets the fright of his life and makes a run for it.

5. All his life Sam's reacted to the word 'cat' by barking, and looking for a cat. One day we're out for a walk and a particularly placid feline sits and watches us approach. Sam hasn't got a clue what a real cat looks like, and further more he nearly stepped on it before he realised it was alive. Sense of smell? Suuure.

6. Sam likes to take his treats outside and put them down for a bit before he eats them. I shall never forget the day I had to go out and chase two sparrows away because they were eating his biscuits, and he was lying about five feet away just watching them sorrowfully.

7. When he was a pup, our family used to watch a baby boy as child-minders. Sam was so jealous that this kid had a dummy/pacifier, that he actually lay in wait for the boy to drop his so that he could have it. He actually walked around with it between his teeth like a little baby for weeks. The boy's mother wasn't impressed.

8. Sam's never really been allowed on the furniture, but one night he was invited up by my mother. He was so quick that she didn't have time to shift her handbag, and this 150lb dog got stuck behind it. Yes, stuck behind a handbag.

9. We have a home-movie of him at my brother's birthday. Sam knows the song 'happy birthday', the word 'presents' and wrapping paper all equate to one thing - there must be stuff for him! So we used to wrap up a chew toy for him. In the video he's chewing the wrapping paper, the toy is untouched.
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I enjoyed reading your post so much about Sam's antics, it really had me chuckling about what a wonderful goofy lovable dog he must be. Thanks so much for sharing this story and really glad you decided to join us.

Welcome Captain and Sam!

Lovely stories!

Thanks for sharing them!

Hope everything works out for Sam at the vet, too.
Captain & Sam

I hope Sam is feeling better. I enjoyed reading your tales of the years you have spent together. Sounds like he keeps you laughing. Thanks for sharing and joining us.
Sorry to hear that Sam is not feeling well :cry: . Hope all works out well for him. Loved reading the antics. They do tend to keep us amused don't they?
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