Are your Parents Healthy? Anyone with good genes?

There have been a few members whose parents are having a tough time recently, so it got me to thinking about my own dad and then it dawned on me that we've never had a healthy parents topic. So here it is!

My dad had a mitral valve repair done just two years ago; he's 81 now. He was nearly fully recovered from the surgery in 3 or 4 months, fully recovered in about a year. He is still coming off of the meds! It is a long slow process to wean the heart off of the heart rate and blood pressure medicines.

He is/was 6' 6" tall (he has shrunk a little) and weighs in around 180 pounds, tall and thin! He has been eating an all low fat diet for 25 years and has been taking Zocor (a cholesterol lowering statin drug) from about 19 years now. When they did his heart surgery, they had permission to do bypasses if necessary; they said his arteries were clear.

About 4 times a week he does 3 laps around the regional shopping mall in one half hour (he started with about 1, and worked up to two, then three), he drives every day and is in just super health. He goes to Masonic lodge meetings perhaps as many as 3 nights per week. He has recently been shown the joys of theater by a relative who lost her husband fairly recently.

He has just a touch of an occasional twang of arthritis in one knee every so often. That's it! Can you imagine? 81! I wish I got some of those genes!

Many times I've told him he'll be dancing on my grave. He doesn't like that at all, says that he would not be happy if I went and it would be a terrible thing to bury a son. But he doesn't say he is going before me! LOL

Any other healthy parents out there?
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I guess longevity runs in my father's side of the family.

3 years ago I could have said my grandfather was still alive at 99 yearsl old.

He lived on a farm on Prince Edward Island until he was 93 years old, then moved into a one-story townhouse in town. After a few years he was placed in a nursing home at 98 years old. After a few months he tripped on some carpet, and broke his hip. He had surgury, caught pnemonia in the hospital and died at 99.
His second wife is still alive and turned 100 this past summer.

His son, my father, is 78 and drives fine, walks faster than me, and tends to a HUGE garden every summer. His hair is finally starting to be more grey than black. He was in the military and hurt his back, so takes meds for the pain and may need surgery in the next year. Other than that he still enjoys cooking and a good game of chess....and women!

(He and my mom split up years ago....)
That's awesome that your Dad is doing so well now :)

Aneurysms and blood clotting problems seem to run in my family.
My parents are healthy for now, but they are still very young. My dad is 46 and my mom is 45. I'm sure health problems are coming. They don't eat well (I've been working on that), but they do walk every day at least. My maternal grandmother had heart problems and passed away in her early 60s. My maternal father passed away with liver problems when my mom was 16, so I don't know of any problems on that side. As for my paternal grandparents, my grandmother passed away around 50 from diabetes and my grandfather is 87 and still doing VERY well. He lives alone, drives everywhere, takes care of himself, and he's very seldom sick. I hope I got his genes. I can only think of how much healthier he would be if he didn't take up smoking at age 12 and refuse to give it up! He's never had any major health problem which is great at his age.

My paternal great-grandmother (my dad's mom's mom) lived to be 104, but she also had alzheimers (sp?) so I'm not sure if I'd want to live that long and forget my children, grandchildren, memories of my spouse, etc...
Although both of my parents are now deceased, the longevity genes in my family are very good. My mother passed away 2 yrs ago at the age of 92. While reminiscing w/ my sisters we determined that my maternal and paternal grandmothers had also both died at the age of 92.

I told my sisters that when they reach 92 they better live it up and not count on seeing 93!

Although my father died at 57, my maternal grandfather lived to 88 and my paternal grandfather to 97. 3 of my father's brothers lived to between 75-90 and one is still alive and doing well and is around 90.
My genes suck. Both of my parents died at what I consider a fairly young age 56 & 62.

Now hubby - his grandmother lived to 99 3/4 and his mom is England's oldest living diabetic at 76 so he has great genes.
I don't know about my genes--mixed, I think.

My parents are both alive and well, but they aren't that old. My maternal grandparents both died pretty young--63 and 76 (63 was cancer, 76 was natural).

My dad's side is good, from his parents' point of view. My grandpa was 94 when he passed and my grandma was close to 90. But my dad's siblings have had a rougher time of it, many already having I don't know...
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