I guess I'm officially trained.


Barney now has me trained REALLY well.

He's always slept as long as we do and gets up when we get up. He might move around a little, but for the most part just stays put. So yesterday morning he's stirring around and won't settle back down and kept bumping me with his nose (this is new!) so I think, well, he must really have to GO. So we go down to the kitchen and I open the back door and say wanna go out. Nothing. He's staring DIRECTLY at his food bowl. This is about 6:30ish, and I usually feed him after I get dressed and ready for work at about 8:15. I say, do you want breakfast? And I get the breakfast dance. So I feed him. Then I ask if he wants out. Nope, just wanted an early breakfast.

I was duped. So this morning, SAME THING!! I resisted for a long time, but he kept bumping me and running to the bedroom door, so after about 30 minutes or so, I thought that he might really have to go. Nope, same thing as before. BREAKFAST!

Silly sheepie.
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That's cute!

I wonder if maybe his tummy isn't bothering him a little bit so it makes him feel hungry... Is it ok to give your dog a Tums in the morning (or at anytime) ? :D
Ahhh - you are trained! Maybe you're supposed to have an extra two hours in your day?!
Yup, Id say youre officially trained....Good job Barney boy :D
Welcome to the club. Husband's been home so he's feeding the dogs. After eating they come to me, wake me up so I can give them a cookie! Yeah gads.
Ha Ha Ha Well done Barney, nice to see you have your parents well trained LOL 8) :P
Maybe Barney needs a little bedlunch to tide him over until morning!?? We do that here. The trick is to make it enough, but not so much they need to go potty in the middle of the night :lol: .
LOL that is too cute. Panda pokes her nose at me in the mornings too, usually about 5:30am... she only does it if she wants out though.

Ron> Tums are ok for dogs, but not too many. They are basically just calcium, but too much calcium can cause problems. I have heard of dogs eating a whole package though with no ill effects.
That's funny, Steph. Ha!Ha!

Good boy, Barney! You're a good trainer!! :clappurple:
Oh my gosh, I HATE THAT barney! First off, I hate that wet nose nudging in my face in the morning...

Then the fact that you get out of bed thinking your dog has to use the bathroom, but she goes straight to the kitchen..

So, I normally say HELLLLLZZZZZZZ NO, and walk back to bed...

Where you're followed by a sheepie who won't stop pacing until you get up!!!

THIS is why I tell my husband that sheepies do not sleep in our bedroom. :lol:

Yuki does this starting around 2:30 pm as well for dinner, but I only feed her if I'm not busy. Otherwise, it's sometime between 4-6 before she gets fed. Yuki thinks I'm stupid because I don't understand her (pacing from kitchen cabinet and then back to me).
Joahaeyo wrote:
Yuki thinks I'm stupid because I don't understand her (pacing from kitchen cabinet and then back to me).

:lol: :lol: :lol: She tells her sheepie pals her mom is not too bright. :lol: :lol:
LOL, not a dumb dog.

I've given Bunkie Pepto when her tummy's upset too.
Beaureguard's Mom wrote:
Joahaeyo wrote:
Yuki thinks I'm stupid because I don't understand her (pacing from kitchen cabinet and then back to me).

:lol: :lol: :lol: She tells her sheepie pals her mom is not too bright. :lol: :lol:

I'm babysitting someone's dog today, and I can't imagine the lies Yuki will tell Shep.
:lol: :lol: What a smart guy!
That's TOO funny and cute!! :lol: I can just picture the thought that's going through Barney's mind: "Good girl, Mommy, good girl!!" :roll:
Yeah, he's definitely the boss. :lol: Funny how they have a way of just taking over. And getting away with it.
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