neighborly or rude

I have a question I would like some opinions on. There is the cutest dog that lives next door to us. We saw him in the back yard and started talking to him and petting him. His name is Cinnamon and he is part sheepie, part something else. We started to feel really bad for him as he is always outside in our neighbor’s weedy yard . He just sleeps in his dog house all day and night. The other thing is that he is extremely over weight. So we decided it would be nice if we took him on a walk with us sometimes so he could get a little attention and exercise. We went over to the neighbors and told them we wanted to take Cinnamon on a walk with us and would that be alright. The woman said that would be fine and to come and get him any time. Are we being rude and over stepping our bounds or are we just being neighborly by playing with their dog and walking it? I don’t want to offend anyone, but I feel really bad for the dog and want do whatever I can for him.
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Your not being rude, before Elton got Murphy, he used to Bunker all of the time.
I don't think you're being rude at all. My coworker walks her neighbor's dog with hers all the time. It gives her dog somebody else to play with, and the neighbor dog gets extra exercise, even if the owner isn't up to it :) Everyone wins!
I think you are being a great neighbor, and probably relieving any guilt the woman has for not paying attention to her dog. Plus you are helping a bored/chubby dog, which is always a good thing!
As long as the woman's cool with it, I'd say it's fine. I don't think it would be rude, regardless if she was cool with it or not. You're looking out for the dog and that's always nice. :)
Not Rude at ALL!
In fact, I'm sure they appreciate the dog getting some attention (I never understood some people getting a dog in the first place if they just leave it in the back yard and never give it any attention).
Not rude at all, very neighbourly in fact and wonderful for the dog too.

They seem to be happy and nice about it, so go for it and enjoy the walks, I am sure the dog will too. :wink:

Very sweet & kind to offer to walk there dog. :D
I agree. Not rude at all. I would say if you asked her and she seemed offended or said no and you kept pushing the issue, that would be rude, but since she seems fine with it (and why wouldn't she be!), I think it's great!
I don't think you're being rude at all and it sounds like your neighbor liked the idea. My neighbor asks every now and then if he can take Annie and Foz for a walk (secretly I know he just wants to take Annie) and I welcome it! They are wonderful neighbors and we can rely on them whenever we need them. The only thing I can offer them is to pick up their mail and paper when their out of's the least we can do!
Totally not rude since she is happy with the idea! How nice of you.
I totally agree with everyone - it's not rude at all!! How wonderful for you to want to do this for this seemingly neglected baby.

How well do you know your neighbors? Do you know why they keep him outdoors all the time? Do you ever see them outside with him, playing with him? Maybe through this gesture, you can get to know them better and you can find out more about Cinnamon and his treatment.

You're an angel for doing this for Cinnamon!
That is a very nice gesture on your part...I wouldn't think it was rude at all.

I love the name have brightened the world of a doggie...

Very thoughtful of you and I'm sure Cinnamon will love you for it!! :D
oh not at all, I'd do exactly the same - Cinnamon will love it and I'm pretty sure the neighbour will too, infact it might prompt her to get up and take Cinnamon out too :lol:
Well thanks for helping me feel better about this. :) I don't think he ever gets to go inside judging by how dirty he is and the fact that he is out there every time we look. We don't know the neighbor very well, but her roommate says she feels bad about not being home very much to take him out so I think she probably appreciates it. I just felt weird randomly going to kidnap our neighbors dog even if it was just to take him for a walk. He seemed to really enjoy it though and he was much better behaved on the leash than our dogs are. :oops:
I think it is a very kind gesture and you went about it the right way by knocking on their door and politely asking permission. It seems like they appreciate it and it may relieve some of the guilt they've been feeling about not spending more time with their dog.

This is a wonderful way for you to build a friendship with your neighbours and possibly when you feel the time is right you could encourage them to invite their dog into their home sometimes. If Cinnamon is outside all the time for a particular reason (i.e. shedding, accidents, destructive behaviour), you could even help them work out those issues as you have a lot of experience to draw on. Cinnamon would probably love to spend more time with them, and this kind of encouragement would be taken much better coming from a friend.

Give Cinnamon an extra pat from the sheepie forum next time you see him!
How did the neighbours dog get on with yours ?

It might just be that some people find it hard to ask for help, so I expect your neighbour is truly grateful and you should feel good for helping the little dog :ghug:
That's a really kind gesture on your part.
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