Finding her bark?

We've had Brees for 2 1/2 days now, and she still has not barked once. Kind of odd since every puppy I've been around has barked a lot (especially in the kennel). I know she can "talk" because she whines when she needs to be let out of her kennel to go potty. We were working in the backyard again today, and she was out there with us. The neighbor's dogs were barking, and I just knew she'd join in, but nope. She's such a quiet puppy, and I'm definitely not used to it! lol Has she not found her bark yet or what? She just had her first set of shots on Friday at the shelter, but I have an appointment at the vet tomorrow evening just to make sure a-ok since she's new. Is this something I should bring up or is it fairly common? I know she's not deaf, because she runs to us when we say her name, and she heard a squirrel in the trees today before I did. Her ears perked up and she looked up, and that's what made me look up and see the squirrel.

Oh, I have a feeling we're going to go through an awful lot of balls with her. She found the boys baseball outside, and she has taken it over. It's as big as her head, so it was funny seeing her carrying it around the yard in her mouth. :) She likes playing 'soccer' with them (pushes it with her paws and then runs after it and catches it with her mouth).
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VERY common. Please Please don't do what many people including myself have done, and that's encourage the barking. I've seen this thread so many times, and each time owners end up saying what I am: ENJOY IT WHILE IT LASTS!

My maltese didn't bark. I had the same exact worries. I started to bring it out in games, ring the doorbell, encourage it in every possible way, and guess what... she barked. .........and barked, and barked, and barked, and.. understand? :lol:
Be careful what you wish for. She will bark soon enough. You may be lucky enough to have a dog that barks only when necessary.

Stock up on the balls, there is no such thing as too many balls for a retriever. :D
Edgar rarely barks. I never thought about it not being normal. I remember thinking to myself, "THANKGOODNESS he doesn't bark all the time!" I keep waiting for him to find his barker though. :roll:
Thanks. Like I said, I'm just not used to a quiet puppy. :) Hopefully she'll stay that way unless she has a reason to bark.
When we got Barney, he didn't make a sound for the first week or so that we had him. Then the doorbell rang and he barked and it startled us!

He still doesn't bark very much (mostly boks --little huffing barks--) and we're fine with that!
Izzie hardly ever barks. When she does everyone jumps five feet in the air because we are so surprised by the noise :lol: :roll:
My GSD puppy I got after I graduated from college did that too. I was starting a new job, living alone and really wanted a watchdog. I never heard a peep out of her.She eventually did, but for a while I thought I was going to have the only silent watchdog around :lol: .

We have labs, and they do "talk" a bit, but don't bark unless they see or hear something. The goldens I know are even more quiet.

Definitely stock up on balls and fetch toys. We have 2 labs now. My Macy was always pretty laid back, but would retrieve game until she couldn't move anymore. At age 13, she still loves the hunt, but in moderation. Tator at age 6 is still a fetching machine. He is the most intense lab we have ever had. I'm sure he would have been given up on years ago if a casual dog owner had him. A good dog, but very very active and driven.

Good luck with baby Brees. How old is she? She looks so petite - not huge paws like some.
olive did not bark for a while, and even now does not bark often. sometimes when we are playing and she wants to communicate like hay throw the ball mom! also when someone open my door. my mom and dad just come in, and olive doesn't like that and goes crazy. Other than those few times thats it. she is just quiet and i like her that way. She just gets you in other ways, like i call it the sit and dance she had finally learned to sit when someone wants to pet her, but she gets sooooooo excited that her actual butt never touches the floor. She kind of does a jug and its really funny. :kiss:
Be happy for now. My puppy didnt bark much at all. Now, oh my, this dog will just bark at us at night to play or what ever! Bark Bark Bark! This is actually the only thing about that makes me crazy!
Count your blessings. Chauncey is the most vocal dog we've ever had. As far as a watch dog, he's like the little boy that cried wolf.....most times I don't even look any more. Now that it's fall he loves to lay in front of the French doors and bark at the leaves blowing by, what a nut case!
He also does the sheepie grumble, my husband laughs his bum off when Chaunce mumbles & grumbles.
BTW Brees is adorable!!!!
SheepieMommy wrote:
Be careful what you wish for. She will bark soon enough. You may be lucky enough to have a dog that barks only when necessary.

Stock up on the balls, there is no such thing as too many balls for a retriever. :D

I would just be happy she is quiet so far :)

I understand being concerned though, we all do the same thing I think....

how did the vet appointment go?
Thanks everyone. I do love that she's quiet, but I want her to bark too (just not excessively! lol). Jason works a lot of night shifts, plus deployments, so the boys & I are here alone a lot. It's kind of nice having a larger dog with a big dog bark because it scares people away.

got sheep - she's 8 weeks old so she's still a tiny baby. She does have small feet, so I'm thinking she will be on the smaller side. Jasper was already 20 pounds at 8 weeks, but she's only 9 pounds (by vet's scale). Jasper was almost 90 pounds, so I hope she stays around 50-60.

The vet appointment went great. She's healthy, worm free, etc.. We started her on K9 Advantix and Heartguard Plus. She goes back in a couple of weeks for her shots.

Our vet was so upset about Jasper. She got teary-eyed. They've always loved him in the office. I've always liked her, but I like her even more since she really does care about her patients.
You mentioned deployments, I'm a former USMC wife so I know what you mean. I'm sure if she is upset by a noise or a situation, you'll know. It's in the breed. Bob passed us last night about a 1/2mile from home at 11:30pm on his way home from work, and was concerned we went for a walk that late. Chauncey is 14 mos old and 90 lbs, we live in a safe area ( as safe as anyone can get now-a-days ) and most everyone would think twice before crossing anyone with a dog that size.
Chauncey wrote:
I'm a former USMC wife
Thank you.
I'm boxing up Jack's bark and sending to you. My big man has a king size barker........little sheepie MO also has a king size barker. Miserable when they have a barking contest.

Then there is the singing contest...............oh be grateful for the silence...
Our house is Chewie with his big bark, Simon with his basset bark/howl and the min pins chime in soprano. Very interesting sounds come from ours when they get going!
Tasker seldom barks. He will bark is someone pulls into the drive or knocks on the door but that is about it. I don't think I have ever seen him just bark to bark. Maybe it is a sign that you pup will have a nice calm laid back personality.
It's been a week and still no bark. I guess she's just a quiet girl. :)
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