Puppy Coat Changes

Hi Everyone!

There has been some discussion and some posts showing coat changes at different ages for sheepdogs and I thought I'd add to that, especially for all those sheepie parents out there with puppies around Barkley's age (4 months) - there sure are a lot of us!

I took these pictures a few days ago to show how much grey is coming in for Barkley at age 4 months. He had already started turning grey around the eyes when we brought him home at 8 weeks. The next area to start turning grey was his bum (easier to see because we keep it short) and his back legs. We've noticed him chewing and scratching at the areas where the grey is coming in, especially his back and front legs where the most grey is coming in. His chewing/scratching isn't bad, but it does seem to be a little uncomfortable for him.

So... here are some coat pictures at 4 months/18 weeks old.

Here is his Back Leg where you can see solid grey roots are coming in - approximately 1/2" of grey.

Here is his Front Leg where you can see lots of grey coming in.

The grey is coming in on his back as well, but not as much - just strands of grey mixed in with the black.

Here you can see all the grey around his eye.

Finally, just for fun... this is a picture of Barkley's first topknot. It didn't work very well and didn't stay in for long, but we're looking forward to a time when his hair will be longer and we can put in a proper topknot so our boy can see better!

I hope this is helpful for some puppy parents out there who are wondering about their own pup's coat changes.
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GREAT! This is very similar to Bingley. He's changing fast along his black leg, his black ear, and there are a few adult strands coming in along his back. Thanks!
Chewie is 6 months, and much less gray than that. Cool pictures.
Are you worried at all that he's also turning yellow? :twisted:
Haha. Very funny.

He's not turning yellow at all. That was just bad lighting and I had to take the pictures without the flash, otherwise the grey wouldn't show up. In some of the pictures he looks very white.

In this picture he looks blue!
Foz must be slow to mature! He still doesn't have a lot of grey. However, he is really matting something terrible behind his ears, his jaw line and back paws/legs. My hands are so sore from cutting and combing yesterday and today.
olive stayed in her puppy coat for 7 months before she was noticably starting to turn, and even now the feel of her hair is soft not coarse. i will say the softer the more matts...so my groomer says. i finally had to break down more due to heat but had her shaved. now she is kind of a greyis red tint in places...not making fun of your yellow photos but that is what i though anyway
Wow 4 months is so young to start changing!

My very first oes started changing at about 5 months. She had a big black eye patch that started changing before anything else too.

Dancer didn't start to change til about 7 months, Sky started very slightly at 9 months but still wasn't fully grey until over 2 years, and Panda is still black at 15 months old. Panda does have about an inch and a half of grey roots though.
London started changing at 4 months. 2 1/2 months later she has one little bit of black left on one small spot and then only at the tip of it.

Her turning gray so early - should I worry about it? Or is living in the house with sheepie boys turning her hair prematurely gray? :twisted:
All of mine have gotten a few threads of lighter hair by 4 months, beginning with some lighter hair on the back of their hind legs, on the back of their rump; my first two OES remained very dark gray, with a lighter gray undercoat; Sophie and Sherman, almost 7 months, have distinctly different coats. Sherman's is gettting more and more full of light gray. Sophie's is still very dark, with light hairs shot all through it, not in any one part.

Archie didn't have a really long coat until he was almost 5. Just recently, we were noticing that since we lost Merlin, that Archie has matured in many ways, including his coat. His coat does look different--longer. We checked photos from a couple of years ago, and yes, he's definitely longer on top.
i know my derby does not have the sheepie coat he is sheding and he has very long thin hair.. all white but all of a sudding he is getting black spots all over his ears.. and now on on his back by next year he might be all black
Charlotte is turning very grey, she is now almost 7 months. I clipped the endbits of her coat, so that when she is ready for shows she will be all blue grey. She has a thin coat comparing to my other female Cassy.

Her coat is so thick and there is loads of it, even with a maison/pearson brush it is to hard to brush her. Cassy has a tail, and that is already totally grey. It looks very funny to see dark hair over her body and a silver grey tail.

Greetings Anita
Murphy turned 2 in Oct. He is still very dark which surprised me because he started to turn gray at 4 mos. I would have thought by now he would be very gray. Bella stated to gray at that age also, but she is lighter than Murph.
Obe just turned 4 months this past monday and his back legs and rump are just starting to turn grey. there are random grey hairs(not many) on his back which I have noticed from brushing him.
Hazel is 5 months and is starting to turn grey down her back and shoulders. The tops of her front legs are also turning.
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