Ollie wet the bed & not his .......

I couldn't beleive it last night ! We were upstairs and Ollie came up, straight in the bedroom and on our bed, nothing new there, he's even slept in our room from time to time (when he chooses to). He strarted rolling on the bed and we were saying ahhh look at him, then he got up and peed !!!!! I tried to pull him down but he carried on, shouted NO - then he jumped off the bed and ran downstairs to hide behind the sofa, I pulled him out saying you baaaaad boy and he bit me, I was gobsmacked, ok, so he might of felt cornered by me grabing him, but come on, this isn't my Ollie. I have a huge bruise on my forearm. After about 20 mins, I went to see Ollie in the kitchen and pointed to my arm saying look what you did to mummy, he knew and the paw was up and he couldn't look at me - little sod ! But he's still my boy and we've kissed and made up this morning, can't stay mad at him for long.
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I'm so sorry this happened to you. :( :( :(
NAUGHTY OLLIE!!!! Did you have any changes in the household recently that might have upset him? Any recent vacations, or business trips, or visitors? Sounds like he was upset at something.

Glad you made up!
Ahhh yes, my mum is over for the week, but whats odd is that when Ollie met her (she lives in Spain) he never barked and he licked her and went mad - Ollie usually barks first ??? wonder if that is the prob ??
Oh No.... You ok!

Kim & Maizie
sooo sorry....i have no explaination, but do feel for you....Bad Ollie..... :(
Sounds like he is just upset that his routine and environment has changed. Watch out when your mom leaves for a little bit of odd behavior too.
Oooh - sorry about the experience. How's he doing now?
Well he seems OK and he knew he did wrong. Ron gave me some great advice and so simple I can't beleive it never occured to me (bad mum) I make him sit for treats and dinner anyway, but now he sits for having his collar on, his lead and pretty much everything else, I go through the door first, things like that and Ollie does it automatically now and thats just a few days, think he was just trying to dominate and I am too soft with him at times :?
Ron's right on the button. Ollie was marking his bed. With your mother coming he felt he had to let everyone know he was still in charge. You did corner him......you'll know better next time.

The dominant pack leader(s) assert themselves calmly but at all times. From the moment the day starts until it ends, the dog lives by your wishes. It's hard to remember they are dogs, not humans, and they don't speak our language or have well developed reasoning. They live for your commands and if you are slacking on your job, they take over.

The commands are given gently but firmly. Rewards are quick but not overly generous........no smooching everytime they do something right.

The sit before eating is how we calmed Jack. He is so food driven that when we got control of meal times, the rest fell into place.

Ollie forgives you, and you him. Event is over.
I am glad it is all over and at least you know why he marked the bed. He is too cute to stay mad at anyway. I just love his face.
Did you ever think maybe he just needed to pee??? :pupeyes: :pupeyes:

Spencer had a friend sleep over a couple weeks ago, and the following day was a PD day so the kids were home and I went to work. Sometime during the day Bosley peed on the mattress that was on the floor in the boy's room. After some questioning no-one could remember if or when Bosley was put out for potty since breakfast time....So, my conclusion was that he went upstairs to find a place to pee and nobody was paying any attention to his hits for outside. He didn't go in our room because he sleeps in there, but found a nice soft place that would absorb the urine and let it pour.. :phew:

In Ollie's case he could have been submisively urinating, if he was nervous or afraid. Dogs don't mark their beds...the contrary, actually. They keep their beds as clean as they can.....or he just needed to pee and was caught up in the moment and forgot....or couldn't hold himself...they are only human...er...I am...canine..after all..and can make mistakes. :oops:

Personally, I don't buy into the whole dominance theory. I did when it first came out, but since then further research has been done and it is not quite as clear cut as we once thought it was. It is a quick and easy thing to attach just about any negative behavior to, though, so it is used a lot.

As for the marking, that is normally done over another dog's urine....or in a fresh place that your dog has not been before, but wants to mark his presence in the event that another dog may come by.

Sometimes I think we over-analyse things. But hey, to each his own...just thought I'd toss out another viewpoint.... :lol: :lol:
I had the same thing happen with Copper. We were playing and I went to pet him and he just suddenly peed on the bed right in front of me. And one of the worst parts? It was almost a brand new comforter. So I took it to the drycleaners the next day. Luckily it didn't go through to the mattress.

He's never done anything like that since. In fact he's never peed anywhere in the house except for the living room when he first came to live with us.

Quite shocking though, when they do it right in front of you. Kind of throws you for a loop.
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