i fell walking harry

i am typing one handed b/c i fell walking harry tonight. slipped on some sludge and my feet went out from under me like stepping on a banana peel. i fell flat on my back but when i came down i hit my left elbow and i am in pain. so after talking to my nurse friend - who was very helpful - i am sitting with my elbow Rested, Iced, Compressed & Elevated (RICE). she told me to wait to have it x-rayed b/c now they are not setting breaks until after the swelling goes down. also told me to take the ibuprofin 3 times before bedtime. i had already taken 600 mg b/c that is what i took after my hysterectomy two years ago.

it was a busy street that runs through the neighborhood and cars were going by but they had a stop sign about twenty feet in front of me (walking against traffic) so fortunately no one hit us. he was just standing there so he must have felt the pull on his leash and paused to wait - he is really good about waiting. i felt bad b/c his walk was cut short and he had a long day in the crate.

just venting! all plans are out the window tonight: dog school and exercise. plus tomorrow is our anniversary and we were supposed to go out fo dinner - i won't be very romantic if my elbow still hurts. i am just hoping that i didn't do anything too bad beyond a bruise - i am peforming in a community theater production in three weeks. like i said i am just venting b/c i am mad it happened.
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I'm sorry you fell - I hope you feel better soon!
That bites!
I hope nothing is badly injured. I did a fall like that several years ago - even chipped off a small piece of bone, and it healed fine by itself. Bad, me, the ortho nurse - I did the same treatment, and prayed it was OK! Luckily it was, and I hope yours is the same. Hope you feel OK for your dinner tomorrow too!
I guess that mean no elbows in the ribs for him. :D . I do hope it's just a bruise, no breaks. Sounds like Harry was a real gentleman.
Ouch! Hopefully it's not too bad and you'll be feeling better in no time :)
Ouch!! Hopefully it's nothing more than a bruise. And good boy, Harry! Waiting patiently while Mommy got up!
OUCH! I'm sorry you got hurt! Keep us updated. I hope you didn't break anything. :(
:( OUCH!! Feel better soon!!!
:( I hope you feel better soon!
Ooh - I'm glad you have a nurse friend. It's nice to get advice pronto for hurt things. Get better soon!
That sucks! Don't worry, even if you cracked the radial head, all they do is toss you in a sling anyway and you just take it easy for a couple of weeks. But, again, it sucks nonetheless!
Doesn't sound like you hit your funny bone...

Does this :banana: make you feel better?

He swears it wasn't his fault!
Sorry that happened! Ouch! Hope you're better real soon!
OUCH!!!!!!!!!! I am sorry to hear about your fall. I'll cross my fingers that everything works out ok. Get better soon. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! :D
Oh man, Judi - that really stinks!! I'm so sorry that happened to you. Sounds like Harry was the perfect gentleman, though, waiting patiently for his mommy.

It's awful to get hurt any time, but especially when you have so many things to do and you have to cancel them. Rotten luck!! :evil:
Thanks everyone. I was able to keep my elbow iced for two hours and the ace bandage for about the same length of time. Between those things, elevating my elbow and taking Ibuprofin I think the damage to my elbow is as best as can be expected - bruised. But now my whole back is starting to kill me and I have to admit I couldn't believe it didn't hurt last night. It feels like someone dropped me on my back. :roll: I guess between the severe elbow pain and the fact that I was taking the Ibuprofin I didn't feel anything in the back. In fact I didn't feel it when I first got up, showered and got ready for work. Time to start taking more DRUGS!

Thanks again everyone for "picking me up" when I was "down". :wink:
I was wondering if it would affect your back at all. I have a horrendous back and falling is my worst nightmare. Ibuprofen will help, but you can also either ice or heat your back. Ice makes mine feel better, other people prefer heat.

The important part is to stay ahead of the pain. SO - more drugs! :roll:
That stinks. I tore the cartiledge in my knee 6 weeks ago
and it is still mending. Hope you feel better :)
Awww...hope you feel better.

And I hope Ron's joke didn't make you feel any worse! :roll:
SheepieMommy wrote:
But now my whole back is starting to kill me and I have to admit I couldn't believe it didn't hurt last night. It feels like someone dropped me on my back. :roll: I guess between the severe elbow pain and the fact that I was taking the Ibuprofin I didn't feel anything in the back. [

It is not unusual for the muscle pains to show up the next day, or the day after, for that matter. If people (like me) rarely excercise then suddenly do a work-out it is the next day the soreness shows up. Same with horseback riding...you feel OK the day of, but the next day...ouch.

Even if you are in a car accident, the whiplash and muscle soreness from tensing up often only shows up the next day or day after. Then al of a sudden you can't move for the pain and stiffness.

I'm sre there is a medical explaination, but I have no idea why that is.

Sorry you are hurt, and yes, good drugs will help. Hey, you are more than welcome to make use of my hot tub! :lol: :lol:
Hey Judi, I just saw this thread. Hope you're feeling better today. Hopefully your back is just sore from an unusual activity (falling) and it will feel better soon. And as for your elbow - ouch! That hurts to think about.
I guess you have a good reason to rest and cuddle with Harry now. Sheepie kisses are always good at making you feel better.

Best wishes, and I hope you feel better soon!
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