Steward of the Dog Park!!!

I was approached today by one of the regulars at the offleash dog park which I visit daily asking if I would be interested in being one of the four stewards (sorta like a caretaker) for the city. YES!!! I'm so happy about this as now I can officially guard this park (which I always fiercely protect). By guarding I mean if I view something done at the park that is inappropriate I have the backing in which to say something..umm let me explain. When I say fiercely protective I do remind people to please shut the gates to the dog park, I always bring bags once a week as do all the regulars for others to use as this dog park doesn't provide them, I will tell bike riders, joggers, skateboarders...that this is an offleash dog park, always doing it in a polite manner.While my dogs don't chase the above..many dogs do and I wouldn't feel it would be fair for a dog to get into trouble as this is after all a park created for's the only entire offleash dog park in the city while there exist 325 other parks that others can use for their recreation. In those other parks dogs must be leashed at all times.

I often jokingly tell others that I'm just getting grumpy as I get older. You wouldn't believe the silly people that visit the offleash dog the couple that once sat on the grass eating a bucket of chicken and yelled at a women whom kindly told them this was an offleash dog park. Their response was she had a problem if she couldn't keep her dog under control. Or the mom of the young toddler that gave the tot a cookie and let him romp amongst the dogs...she said I wanted my little boy to play with the dogs...Eeks! Or just last week when I approached a jogger whom visits the park nightly and enters one gate and leaves by another , and never shuts them. I've mentioned before that one of the gates is next to a very busy road. Every night we call to her and she never responds I realized she wore headphones and wouldn't be able to hear us even if a dog was bent on chasing her. I finally stopped her the other night. Her response was to give me the obscene gesture with her hand and then smirk while looking at me pushing the gate wide open when she left. Hmm what's up with that? I just couldn't figure out what motivation prompted her to react that way. No matter us dog owners decided we'd pelt her with doggie do next time ...okay we're all kidding but it caused us all to laugh about it. There are signs clearly posted asking people not to jog, bike, eat or leave young children unattended at the offleash dog park but no one to uphold those laws.

Okay I don't get a uniform, a badge or anything that makes me look official but least I have the backing of the city and the right to now say something. Yeahhhhhhh!!!!! Oh should mention we would also have the right to ask someone with an aggressive dog to please leave the park which I agree would be used sparingly and only with a dog that is repeatedly aggressive and attacked others.

I just am so happy about I said I love this park and visit it daily and would never want an incident to occur at the park which we cause the city to think about closing it down. We regulars can now protect the park for all the dog owners and of course more importantly for our beloved furballs!!!

Oh one last thing ...the city is allowing us to plant more trees of our own choosing providing we take care of them after they initially are planted. Meaning the city has agreed to purchase them but we make sure they survive the first few months. They have said we are allowed to plant Memorial trees...Myself and another woman will be the first to do this. Mine will be for Shaggy and as I still have her ashes in the urn..I think a small ceremony once the tree is planted I will spread her ashes there. I will be allowed to also place a plaque in her honor. It all seems too good to be true I just feel like weeping tears of joy and of course wanted to share this good news with you guys.

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Too bad they don't let you carry a stun gun for joggers! (Just kidding, I think)

Congrats! And be sure to take a few pics of "your" park and "your" trees, and of course your memorial for Shaggy.
Maybe you can plant the trees amongst the path that this jogger runs, or at least block the gates so it becomes an obstacle. Or, better yet, all of you guys take your doggie poo and place it where she will step in it. :lol:
Or ask the city to install spring loaded gates... In fact, maybe they can be retrofitted for most gates... just add the spring and ensure the latch is automatic... :?:
I personally like the thought of pelting her with doggie do :oops: I guess not everyone out there loves animals like we do. It is a shame they will not give you a badge so you could do some law enforcement.
if we all chip in we could probably buy marianne a security guard uniform with a real badge and possibly a pellet gun for those pesky joggers
That's great news Marianne! It soounds like you already take great care of your park, so it must feel great to now be given that recognition.
I have never even seen a dog park. I've lived in a lot of places, but there has never been one in my area. I think it's such a great idea, there is so much land available where I live now, it's kind of giving me an idea to maybe submit a proposal to our city council. I doubt anything would come of it, but it can't hurt to try. We have only about 3 actual parks in our city (town) one is a memorial park, one is a nice park with picnic tables and pathways and mini waterfalls etc, but not fenced, and couldn't realistically be fenced due to it's location and traditional useage. One other park is for sports events, but it is huge, and I think a small section of it could easily be dedicated to dogs, as it is already fenced, and there are large sections of it that never get used but are already maintained by the town because it's attached to the part that is used.... I'd rather see my tax dollars pay for useage like a dog park that may encourage more people to get out as well as their dogs, than to just pay guys to cut the grass for no reason.
Anyway, Marianne, congrats! Good job! :D
Oooooh, I like the idea of spring loaded gates. If the town won't come up with the money for it, perhaps you can get enough donations to pay for them.

The town I live in is considering adding a dog park. I think that I'll make a suggestion regarding the gates to the people who are looking into it.
if we all chip in we could probably buy marianne a security guard uniform with a real badge

Add some riot gear, a loudspeaker, stun-gun and those metal stars they use in martial arts films and buh-bye problematic joggers!!
I loved reading all your post! Now I'd love to own a stun gun or at least something that shot doggie doo at rapid fire at annoying joggers. The nerve of her! sheesh. Grrrrr Lemme at her...lemme at her (This is me speaking and not my dogs...ha ha!)

I asked our Parks contact person, if others were interested in starting a dog park in their cities and what steps to take. I'll keep you guys posted as time goes on and I find out more info. Thanks again everyone for offering support.

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