Where can I get some Laffy Taffy Jokes?

Laffy Taffy Jokes, for your bemusement.

How do you mend a broken Jack o' Lantern? -- With a pumpkin patch. Ha!

What goes tick-tock, woof-woof? -- A watchdog.

Where did the kittens go on the class trip -- To the meow-seum.

What do you call a lease of false teeth? -- A dental rental.

Whats brown and sticky? -- A stick.

What did the girl sea say when the boy sea asked her for a date? -- "Shore!"

What falls down but never gets hurt -- Snow.

What kind of brush do you use to comb a bee's hair? -- A honey comb!

Why do bees have sticky hair -- They use honeycombs. Hey, no repeats!

How do you get a peanut to laugh? -- You crack it up.

What happens when you cross a singer and a rocking chair? -- You rock to the beat.

Who greets you at a haunted house? -- A host ghost

Why did the farmer bury all his money? -- To make his soil rich

Where can you find an ocean without water? -- On a map - Duh!

What do you call a horse that likes arts & crafts? -- A hobby horse.

Why do shoemakers go to heaven? Because they have good soles.

What do you call an avid gardener? -- Herb.

If fruit comes from a fruit tree, where does chicken come from? -- a poul-tree. AAAAAAAAH Make it stop!

What do you get when you cross a grape with a lion? -- A grape nobody picks on.

What did the tree say to the mountain? -- Stop peaking at me.

What are sailors' favorite fruits? -- Naval oranges.

Where does a penguin keep his money? -- In a snow bank. Noooo, please, no more!

What did the boy chip say to the girl chip (crisp for the brits)? -- Lets dance and I'll dip you.

Why did the reporter go into the ice cream wharehouse shop? -- He wanted to get a big scoop.

Why was it hard for the geometry teacher to walk? -- She broke her angle. Oh nooooo, I can't take this!

What do you call a monkey who loves potato chips? -- A chipmonk.

What kind of trees sew? -- Pine trees, they always have needles around.

What did the plate say to the other plate? -- lunch is on me.

What did the man say whin the picture fell on his head? -- I've been framed.

Did you hear about the mummies who went to the theater? -- They gave the actors stage fright.

How do you turn soup into gold? -- add 24 carrots.

What do sneezes wear on their feet? -- ahh-shoes. HELP MEEEEEE

What do wolves say when they are introduced? -- Howl do you do. Sounds like a steak joke to me.

What does a car run on? -- Wheels.

What did the sink say to the water faucet? -- You're a real drip.

Where do pigs park ther cars? -- In a porking lot. LOL

Why did the banana leave the cinema- The film didn't appeal to him.

Why did the little cookie (biscuit) cry? -- Because his mother was a wafer so long. I'm dying here!

Why did the rabbit eat lunch under the sink -- He found a leek there.

How do you make a witch itch? -- Take away her W.

What do you call a crab who plays baseball -- A pinch-hitter.

What is the clumsiest bee? -- A bumbling bee

What kind of bean can't grow? -- A jelly bean

Whats green and fluffy and comes from mars -- A martian mellow. Booo.

How does a man on the moon get his hair cut? -- Eclipse it. Hahaha

What do you do when you have no rubber bands? -- Find a plastic orchestra.

What time is it when an elephant sits on your fence? -- time to get a new fence

What is green, red, and spins at 100 rpm? -- A frog in a blender

What is yellow, has wheels and lies on its back? -- A dead school bus.

Why did the man throw his margarine? -- he wanted to see the butter fly

What did the finger say to the thumb? -- I'm in glove with you. Awwww

What do you get when you cross a turkey with a penguin? -- a very cross penguin.
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What did the Ghost wear to the beach?
A Bookini
Wow, Ron--you must have a BIG stomachache after eating all that Laffy Taffy! 8O
You just said the two most spoken words in our house. Laffy Taffy. Started out that we would only get them when we went to blockbuster ...when we checked out.

Then I started to buy them 2 bags EVERY week.

So now when my husband is at work, he'll call and tell me he's got something REALLY important to ask me.

me: yes, dear???

then proceeds to ask me a joke.

This happened almost daily. :lol:

I'm too lazy to add any right now, but I could win a contest if there was a laffy taff championship with these jokes. :oops:
They are a lot of fun! I should start class daily with one . . . :lol:
What time is your dentist appointment?

tooth hurty (2:30) :roll:
Of course you have to see the dentist, you have eaten all of that Laffy Taffy :lol:
Betsy wrote:
Of course you have to see the dentist, you have eaten all of that Laffy Taffy :lol:
And believe it or not, YESTERDAY I REALLY DID have a Dentist apt at 2:30!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I didn't think of the irony of it till I read this post.
I'm sorry I gave you that idea. Will you be moving on to Bazooka gum next? :evil:
What does a seismologist say when he is wrong..

Its not my fault

:P :P :P 8O 8O
I love it!
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