Big, bad new habit....HELP!!!

Boy, oh boy, do I need your help.

My Pirate is now 5 mos old. He never, ever, ever, ever pees or poops in the house...EVER!

He loves to ride in the car-car, as all our sheepies do. But...all of the sudden, the last month or so, every time he gets in the car, he pees :roll:

He could have peed a gallon before he gets in, but when his in, he still find a "wee bit" to leave behind.

After we leave training class or the groomer, he will not pee. He doesn't seem to like peeing in strange places. BUT, within 5 minutes in car, he lets loose.

Our trainer suggested we drive a minute or two, stop the car, take him out, and have him go. But he won't. He waits til we're in motion again.

I have to cover the whole car with piddle pads...and them clean the seats with Natures miracle to keep the stains and smell away (keep in mind, I have a new SUV with less than 2000 miles on it!!!!).

In addition to the peeing, when he gets in the car, he drools like Niagra falls. He doesn't do this anywhere else!

I swear, he's turning into a leaking faucet in the car :evil: .

Please, Please, please!!! I love taking him places, but I just don't understand this behavior.

He's such a good dog, and this just came out of nowhere!

I'm begging....advice!!!!

Thank you any advice!
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If I didn't know better, I'd guess he was scared of the ride. Drooling and peeing.... sounds like a nervous reaction.

What do you think? Maybe over excited?

Sorry I'm not much help here.
I agree with Ron... if it is a new behavior, did he recently have a bad experience (like a car ride ending up at the vet or groomers etc) that may be causing him to act differently now. Also, maybe he is feeling threatened at training class for some reason, dogs show their anxiety in many strange (to us) ways...
You could try a drop or two of bach's rescue remedy on his tongue before car rides.. I've heard it works wonders. You can find it in almost any health food store.

[ Nelson Bach USA - Rescue Remedy, from Herballoveshop 20
This is the best price I've found on for the 20ml size (about .67 ounces) -Ron]
You guys are just too smart :D ! I'm really glad I know you!

Thinking back, this behavior started in April, when my husband and I went on vacation, and took Pirate to the kennel. D'OH! Since then, the only time we get in the car is to go to the vet or school. Dang....I'd hate it too!

I told Tony (my husband) we have to start taking Pirate fun places in the car, ie: dog parks, Dairy Queen, etc.

And I suspect a bit of those drops might not hurt, til he understands, we aren't leaving him.

Poor baby dog :cry:
Any changes or progress?
Changes? Yes.

Progress? No.

I've purchased a liner for the back of my SUV that can be washed. Poor Pirate still is "leaking". It seems, when we go somewhere, he won't pee. He'll only pee in his yard!

So, by time he gets in the car to come home, I believe the motion relaxes his bladder, and, know the rest.

He always relives himself when leave home (cuz that his yard) and doesn't have accidents. Just on the way home.

I'm hoping this will pass, but in the meantime, I'm washing that liner a lot!

(Thanks for asking!)
I have to ask what does Pirate eat at Dairy Queen??
Dear Guest,

The refined (save peeing) Pirate, prefers a small cup of vanilla.

That's a lie...he'd actually want a HUGE trough of vanilla with bananas, whipped creme and nuts, but he'll never get that!!!!!

So...he settles for a small vanilla (just what his mama ordered!)
My puppy (now two) also did the drooling and peeing thing in the car - it was really awful, not to mention messy. The back of my crv was soaked everytime I took her out. Evidently the car really stressed her.
We ended up having my husband drive while I sat in the backseat with her - of course she was either holding my hand or had her head on my lap. After a few times of traveling like this - VOILA !!!! I had a miracle - no stress ever in the car.
Hope this helps
Oh boy, did that bring back memories. We trained our pups to ride in the by using food. We lived in very rural area so only a DQ was available as reward. Later when we moved to more urban area, the local DQ would be our destination; 2 humans and 1-3 doggies (a St. Bernard, sheepie, and husky). People in town got a big kick out of it. Later when we moved here as fast food places followed, Burger King "hold the pickle-hold the bun" became our cry.

Hopefully by going fun places other than DQ, Pirate will regain control. I still make dry runs to the vet, just in to be weighed and out again, just so they don't know if it's for exam or a quick visit and cookie.
Here in Canada it is standard practice for every Tim Hortons (coffee and donut shops that kick starbucks butt)
to give a plain timbit (donut hole) to anyone going through the drive-thru with a dog. They ask the owner first if they may give it to the dog, and Dancer and Sky have learned quickly to love car rides thanks to Tim Hortons. It helps that my hubby and I are coffee addicts. :lol:
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