Swollen eye...and pink lid

Okay I hope I can describe this clearly.

Remy and I went for a walk last night, eyes are normal. She saw a dog across the street, ended up hitting her head on a lamp post or a tree or a sign for the bus stop....can't remember which one right now. Anyways she turned to look back at me, and hit the side of her head pretty hard.

This morning she digging at her face, and then gives out a short whimper, like she'd just her herself. She has chronic ear infection which I have drops for.

So I can't say if she was digging in her ear because it was itchy and missed and caught her eye lid or if this sore spot is a result of her hitting her head last night. Her actual eye is clear, but the whites are a little blood shot. The sore is on the lower part of the eye lid, in the area where we'd put eye liner just below and under our lashes.

This is a very bad time for us to take her to a vet, we just can't afford it. So I was hoping anyone here will know what I'm taking about, and have any idea as to what I'm loking at. Also I have eye drops, that are antibiotics for dogs. I put a couple drops to help if there is any irratation there.

thanks everyone,

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My concern about not seeking medical advice would be if she injured her internal eye (scratched cornea, detached retina, etc.). Could you call the Vet and speak to them about it - without having the cost of bringing her for an unnecessary Vet appointment? They may offer some guidance over the phone.

What kind of "sore" is on her lid? Does it look like a cut? If so - you could try putting some antibiotic ointment on that area. However, with the eyes i nvolved - be careful with home treatment - you don't want to make it worse!

Sending white light for a speedy (Vet free) recovery! Best of Luck!

The closest thing I could think of in human things is a long narrow mosquito bite. The inside of the eye isn't swollen or puffy, just slightly bloodshot. The blue part of her eye is clear.

It looks like a bite after you've scratched away a layer of skin, raw and tender like that. It is not oozing anything, since I put the drops in she's been leaving it alone.
Just keep an eye (no pun intended) on it and if it gets worse - call the Vet. She may have had an irritation (eyelash or something from hitting it) and then scratched it this morning.

If she doesn't seem to be having vision problems and isn't "messing" with it anymore - it'll probably be okay and heal on it's own.

Thanks Kristen,

That's kinda what I was thinking. I just hate when I can't pin point the exact reason why.

Like I said before hitting her head on a pole..........or scratching at her ear and missed and hit her eye. I will post again if I think it's not getting better, and then take her to a vet. Just so all others can benefit.
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