I work with Beavis and Butthead

OMG. I'm going to start banging heads tgether right away. I work with 2 men that are so afraid of change. I recently had a credit card machine installed. (sick of the swiping thing and have to call it in, this is the 21st century after all). I caught one of the idiots on Monday still doing that (It costs more money to call it in that it is to use the terminal.) So we had a screaming match (He's 67, tiem to retire), He lost. So I took the swiping machine and hide it today, 2 hours later the other dumba$$ comes and asks me for it. I asked him for what and he won't tell me. I eventually found out why and again explained to them how to use the machine. Those 2 loser's are going to cause me to quit. I've told my boss's. They need to learn to deal with the change or they can look for other jobs. It's the same thing every day "How do I use this again?"

I need a drink!!!
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:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I'm sorry (no I'm not!) but this rant just cracked me up!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
One day you too will be old and people will yell at you for not understanding something. Remember Karma.
Anonymous wrote:
One day you too will be old and people will yell at you for not understanding something. Remember Karma.

I'm laughing also because I have two teenagers who are always yelling at me because of how I just don't get it!

(Whose idea was those Ipods, MP3 players etc, anyway)

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Anonymous wrote:
Remember Karma.
Wasn't she married to Greg?
I know its a pain, but write a process - that way they won't have to ask you - you don't want to be done for some kind of dismisall - that way your a** is covered :lol:
I can certainly understand getting older and not understanding as much as easily as the younger people :roll: , but if you're going to work in an environment where you need to learn new things to do your job - learn them!! :? If you can't/won't learn them, quit. If you can afford to quit, I say again - LEARN THEM!!

I'm keeping up-to-date on computer stuff while I'm working because of having to learn new things as they come along, but I've often wondered how I'll keep up when I retire. Hope I don't turn into one of "them." :roll:
I can understand your frustration.

I worked with a woman who was a year from retirement when the company upgraded everyone from an old DOS run computer system to PCs with Microsoft (this has been a while ago obviously).

I spent so much time showing her the simplest things. How to send e-mail, how to attach a document....no exaggeration...if I showed her once, I showed her 30 times. Even after writing it down for her, she still called me over to make sure she wasn't messing it up.

I wanted to pull out my hair and scream at her so often! But, I tried to put myself in her shoes and realize that it does take an old dog a long time to learn a new trick. They can, but it is harder for them.

To her credit, though, she really did try and eventually mastered it. It just took a long time and a lot of patience. :wink:

Good luck!! 8)
I had to laugh at Nicoles message about her kids...Aint that the truth :?

Then again, I am the one here at the office that hates change...It took the 2 guys and lots of bribes to get me to go to a training seminar for a new design program....what is wrong with the old fashion way of drawing by hand???? Its now a lost art!!

And, Puullleeese, dont get me started on the changes in the Catholic church....I want the bells back, I dont want to hold hands with a stranger during the Our Father, and I LIKE singing to an organ, NOT a guitar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry Chelsey :?
Ollie's Mum wrote:
I know its a pain, but write a process

I agree - write up a quick cheat sheet, laminate it and put it right next to the cash register. That way they can figure it out on their own.

cesaroo wrote:
So we had a screaming match

I know it's hard - I'm a redhead with a huge temper - but don't ever scream. The old cliche is true - when you fight with an idiot, no one watching can tell which one is the idiot. You don't want to ruin your reputation over stupid stuff like this. Kill them with kindness, explain that there has been a change in policy and they have to use the new machine, and walk away.
Darcy wrote:
And, Puullleeese, dont get me started on the changes in the Catholic church....I want the bells back, I dont want to hold hands with a stranger during the Our Father, and I LIKE singing to an organ, NOT a guitar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Amen, sista! 8)
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