School Shooting in Lancaster County

What is our world coming to? It is not even safe to send our children to school anymore. Has anyone else seen this?

This is really sad and frightening.
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It's still ongoing. They are actually searching the fields and woods in case any of the kids got out and were shot.
I haven't seen this newscast. Where is Lancaster county? It's happening everywhere! 8O
It is in PA.
That is horrible!
The news conference that they are broadcasting right now makes it even worse. This was bad.
I don't watch news during the day. When I saw this thread I nearly
dropped. My sister is a teacher at E-town and I had to go read the
article. She has been expecting something like this for years. Is it
wrong of me to be glad it wasn't her school? I wish it hadn't been
It would appear that a suicidal man, age 32, went to an Amish
school and lined up and shot execution style, at least 6 people.
He was getting revenge for something that happened many years
ago, apparently involving young women.
(or course this could all be inaccurate, this is a new story, we won't
know the real facts for a while)

What goes through someone's mind when they decide to do
something like this? I cannot even imagine how these families
must feel, or even his for that matter.

So very very sad.

I hope I get this right. This is what the report now says:
There were 3 children found dead at the scene,
and the gunman took his own life. 7 were transported to area
hospitals, and one of them was DOA. All the victims were between
6 and 13 years old.
They also said one killed was an aide in the class - don't know if that
means 6-13 years old is wrong.


This is just so wrong :cry:
The story just keeps getting worse. I can't read anymore. :oops:
:cry: That is so sick. I had heard the earlier story, but no updates.
Another today? That's 3 in the past week.'s sooo sad. I'm half-tempted to homeschool my boys or get private tutors to come in daily for them. It's scary sending Jake to school every day. :(
We really need to re-think our position on gun control in this country. This is a tough topic for me - I'm a big believer in small government and individual liberties. But events like this are becoming too frequent - 3 school shootings in one week is horrific.
Anti gun control people will spout all kinds of rehtoric about how guns don't kill, people do. This is a perfect example of a person, whithout any criminal record but with an apparent psych problem who should not have had access to ANY gun.
So sad... so horrible :(

Canada has had more violent crime recently too, but still, looking at the statistics and hearing the differences between our two countries in terms of violent crimes makes me grateful for our stricter gun control laws, and also makes me hope our new idiot prime minister doesn't mess it up. ... ntrol.html
Wow, thanks for the web site. I have printed it off to mail to my brother, the "My right to bear arms is guaranteed by the Constitution" freak!!!! Very eye opeining.
The question is - why are people getting so much more violent? It's not that people have more access to guns now than they did 50 years ago. We had a dinner party Saturday and the guys were swapping stories about how they would take their guns, get on their bikes and ride out into the desert to go shoot at stuff when they were 12 years old. Of course, I live in the Wild West now, but growing up in NJ I had friends who started hunting with their dads when they were kids and always had guns in the house. So, I don't agree that the violence is a result of increased access to weapons. There must be other factors that are allowing people to self-justify mass murder of innocent strangers.
We were watching 60 minutes last night and they did a piece on bum-bashing....I had never heard of that...I was absolutely horrified. And most of these kids said they did it because it was ''fun'' and they were ''bored''....

what IS going on???
My son's high school was on lockdown for a week a few weeks ago. Turf warfare between the Baton Rouge kids and the New Orleans kids. 24 kids were expelled and arrested for assault & battery. 6 kids had to go to the hospital for everything from broken bones to stitches. Now until the end of the school year there will now be 4 policemen on duty at all times at the school. There are metal detectors at all entrances that are monitored by private security firm and cameras everywhere including in the bathrooms where most of the trouble started.

This is a school that is in the middle of a middle to upper class neighborhood. My son tells me he will not go to the bathroom at school as he might get jumped. All I know is that it was not this way when I went to school and I am so glad that this is my youngest child and his last year at high school.
I agree that access to guns isn't easier now than years ago. I also
don't think having more gun laws would change anything. If we
take away guns from people with stricter laws, the only people
who will still have them are the 'bad guys'. In case you haven't
noticed, they get the guns anyhow.

There have been more beatings also, with bats, pipes and that
sort of thing. I think some of this has always been, it's just that
we are more aware of it now in our instant information age. I
think some of it also stems from poor child rearing. There I said
it. Families just aren't what they were 50 years ago. I think
that has had a profound impact on how some view responsibility of
actions and how we relate to one another.

Whatever the reason, there will always be a few lunatics doing
horrible things. Unfortunate, but true.

BatonRougeSheepies wrote:
My son's high school was on lockdown for a week a few weeks ago. Turf warfare between the Baton Rouge kids and the New Orleans kids. 24 kids were expelled and arrested for assault & battery. 6 kids had to go to the hospital for everything from broken bones to stitches. Now until the end of the school year there will now be 4 policemen on duty at all times at the school. There are metal detectors at all entrances that are monitored by private security firm and cameras everywhere including in the bathrooms where most of the trouble started.

This is a school that is in the middle of a middle to upper class neighborhood. My son tells me he will not go to the bathroom at school as he might get jumped. All I know is that it was not this way when I went to school and I am so glad that this is my youngest child and his last year at high school.

Wynette - that sounds awful. How can kids learn under those circumstances? I'm so sorry that he is going through that and it must be scary as a parent. I will be relieved when he graduates!
Frightening to think this can happen, so glad my kids are pass the school age.

Made the news here, just so tragic and seems to be a common thing that is happening. Feel so sad for all involved, those that lost their kids and those that witnessed what happened. Gawd to think you send your kids off to school, in a so called safe enviroment and nutters like this can walk in and do this.

What is the world coming too when kids are subjected to this :cry:
When I was in school we had a morning prayer, and recited the Pledge of Alliegence every morning. Once a week we had Weekday Religious Education. No one was forced to bow their head, recite the Pledge or attend WRE.

The 10 Commandments were everywhere. It gave you something to read while waiting in government buildings, etc... Take religion out of it, these are still 10 very good examples of how we should or shouldn't act.

We were taught to be proud of our flag and country. We were taught about how our country was settled by people wanting "religious freedom", yet we watch as those very freedoms are being slowly taken away.

We watch as todays kids are taught that almost everything is ok. Its ok to get an abortion without your parents consent. Its ok to have sex with whomever, whenever and where ever, to the point of passing out condoms at school. I've even been told by younger people that todays kids don't consider oral sex, sex. They think that makes it ok.

Video games that are so vivid and violent. Music that says things I'd never been able to listen to if my parents would've heard them. Everything is ok, and there's no consequenses for much of anything.

Then we have the ADS. Most of these kids are just normal hyper kids, not needing medication, just exercise. These meds are now being said to cause suicides in youngsters. They can also trigger violence.

What's different between now and then? I believe it's Godly morals. Our kids are not being taught the truely important things in life, like how to treat others. And, that starts as infants, not when they become teenagers. I see so many parents that say they can't handle their kids. Their kids are only 4 and 5 years old! I've watched these same kids kick their parents.

Its the law of our government. Kids knowing they can sue their parents! A little fear goes a long way. Its called love and respect. WE have to stop the insanity. Not by gun control, but by child control. jmop
I agree that access to guns isn't easier now than years ago. I also
don't think having more gun laws would change anything. If we
take away guns from people with stricter laws, the only people
who will still have them are the 'bad guys'. In case you haven't
noticed, they get the guns anyhow.

While it's true the really bad guys will still get guns, it has been proven with stricter gun laws and control there are fewer gun related homicides. A lot fewer. Just look at comparisons of Britain, Australia, Canada and the US. The US is the only country without the strict gun control laws and has the highest gun related crime per capita.

And mouthypf, I agree wholeheartedly. The world is changing much faster lately I think. Just in the last 20 years especially IMO.
I don't understand why this happened? They talked about the suicide note he left for his wife, and the last conversation they had before he killed himself. I don't understand why he chose the Amish community? Did he have some sort of affiliation with them? Maybe I just missed it.
Shellie wrote:
I agree that access to guns isn't easier now than years ago. I also
don't think having more gun laws would change anything. If we
take away guns from people with stricter laws, the only people
who will still have them are the 'bad guys'. In case you haven't
noticed, they get the guns anyhow.

Guns are absolutely easier to get now than they used to be. Back when I was young in order to buy a gun you had to go to a gun shoppe, that was usually run by a man who knew every one in town. Now large stores like WalMart and other chain stores have been selinng them to anyone with cash in their hand. Yes some stores have bowed to public pressure and stopped selling them but that took many years. They are available throough mail order companies like Cabella's and there are dozens of chain "sports stores" who really don't care who they sell guns to.

Most guns started their life in a legal fashion then slipped into the hands of an illegal seller or criminal. If legal guns were not so readily available then there would not be so many legal guns filtering down to be sol illegally on the street.
Willowsprite wrote:
The US is the only country without the strict gun control laws and has the highest gun related crime per capita.
"Would you prefer they was just pushed out da window?"
-Archie Bunker
Gun Control Gun Control Gun Control

We can't say that gun control is working perfectly. We had a shooting at a Montreal college a couple weeks ago, but shooting deaths are few and far between.

And if I hear one more time about a fool's right to his tools of rage, I'm going to take all my friends and I'm gonna move to Canada and we're gonna die of old age. -Ani DiFranco
Tasker's Mom wrote:
......Most guns started their life in a legal fashion then slipped into the hands of an illegal seller or criminal. If legal guns were not so readily available then there would not be so many legal guns filtering down to be sol illegally on the street.

Only borrowing your comment, nothing personal. :wink:
I believe it it should read:

Most kids start their life in an innocent fashion, then slipped into the hands of parents that were too lenient, and an intrusive government that gives more rights to the kids than the parents.

The thing I think most people overlook when talking about gun control is the fact that "all" guns are innocent. If there's a problem, which there is, the solution is NOT getting rid of the guns, its correcting whats wrong with society.

Look at who's commiting the crimes - OUR KIDS! Why? Its easy, they get everything they want without having to work for it. They're unsupervised. They're given toooooooo much responsibility at a young age. Mom goes to work, they're left at home to tend house and each other until she returns. Its tooooooooo much for them.

Who's to blame? Parents are. We allow the government to select what they're taught in school, to tell us we can't punish them, etc... No punishment for wrong, equals not learning the differance between right and wrong............. And, we can see they're not learning that in school!

Guns - I'm keeping mine. Kids - Do something with them. jmop
Wasn't the shooter in this case a 32 year old man, not a kid?

If he hadn't been able to get a gun so easily perhaps his suicide would have just been a suicide instead of a murder-suicide. jmop
I'm just wondering..... why do you need a gun?

I'm asking it honestly and without judgement.... I can't think of one reason.
My husband is an avid hunter. We use the venison every year to help stock our freezer. I can honestly say that it saves me hundreds of dollars every year on groceries. We grow and can or freeze our own veggies too. I know the hunting thing may stir up a hive of bees, but we are from the South and that is what we do. :wink:

I wonder what would happen if we took all guns away, think about this:

1 Your child is out in the yard and because there has been no hunting (no guns remember) and a bear suddenly appears. He is between you and your child, what happens then? You are gonna say, well we don't have bear where I live who cares. There will be someday because no one has been hunting to control the population.

2 You plant your crops, which is the way you make your living, you go outside only to find that there are deer, rabbit, raccoon, etc. that are enjoying your garden. Well there is nothing you can do about it, you can't shoot them with your finger.

These are just a few scenarios that run through my mind when people start saying we should do away with guns. There is a saying that the NRA has the goes "If guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns". I personally believe this and also that it is not a gun that kills people, it is people that kill people.

I also agree with Mouthypf that alot of what is happening in society today does have to fall back on us as parents. When my kids were growing up I cringed every time I had to punish them, not because they did not need it, but because of what consequences I might have to pay for doing so. JMO
mouthypf wrote:
Tasker's Mom wrote:
......Most guns started their life in a legal fashion then slipped into the hands of an illegal seller or criminal. If legal guns were not so readily available then there would not be so many legal guns filtering down to be sol illegally on the street.

Only borrowing your comment, nothing personal. :wink:
I believe it it should read:

Most kids start their life in an innocent fashion, then slipped into the hands of parents that were too lenient, and an intrusive government that gives more rights to the kids than the parents.

The thing I think most people overlook when talking about gun control is the fact that "all" guns are innocent. If there's a problem, which there is, the solution is NOT getting rid of the guns, its correcting whats wrong with society.

Look at who's commiting the crimes - OUR KIDS! Why? Its easy, they get everything they want without having to work for it. They're unsupervised. They're given toooooooo much responsibility at a young age. Mom goes to work, they're left at home to tend house and each other until she returns. Its tooooooooo much for them.

Who's to blame? Parents are. We allow the government to select what they're taught in school, to tell us we can't punish them, etc... No punishment for wrong, equals not learning the differance between right and wrong............. And, we can see they're not learning that in school!

Guns - I'm keeping mine. Kids - Do something with them. jmop

This is the point in the discussion when my blood starts to boil and I should most likely step out of the discussion least I say something hurtful or unkind but, what a bunch of horse puckey (respectfully).

There is no reason to own a gun other than to shot something, and shooting something generally results in death or injury. So if you own a gun, you own it to kill or injure someone or something. THAT has nothing to do with children, government intervention or child raising techniques. So you are not borrowing from my comment you are making you won statement which has nothing to do with what my thoughts and opinions are, so please do not attach my name to it.

Apparently you have never been the victim of a violent crime, never had a gun pointed at YOUR head or had a family member killed as the result of a gun in the hands of the wrong people. I hope you never experience that horror.

But PLEASE spare me the "it's the parent's fault rhetoric". Guns are not innocent, they are by their very design to be used in a violent fashion whther that violence is against human or animal the only reason for a gun to exist is to shoot something.

Now, I respectfully bow out of this thread and any further posting or reading of it. You have the right to be as misguided as you chose but don't tell me it isn't personal, it's VERY personal.
Canada has some pretty strict gun control but lots of people have hunting rifles.

Of course people have guns for hunting and I highly doubt that kids are bringing hunting rifles to school to shoot their classmates - or that this man shot those children with a hunting rifle. You can have effective gun control and still have legal hunting rifles.

I have seen a few guns in my entire lifetime - mostly on the belt of a police officer and the remainder were hunting rifles which were perfectly legal and I've only ever seen them chained and locked up because I wasn't on a hunting trip with my friends.

Hunting is just fine! Moose is yummy! Handguns and semi-automatics and all those other guns that people have a "right" to bear are the ones killing people, not hunting rifles (most of the time!).
Maybe it's because of prayer in school, abortion, illegal aliens, welfare queens, gun control, Statehood for Puerto Rico, the war on terrorism, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, Republican control of the Congress, an activist Judiciary, Home Rule petitions, Tax breaks for the wealthy, corporate welfare, property taxes, gays in the military, Monica Lewinsky or Watergate or some other issue.

But it's geting a little too heated to talk about right now. Let's talk abut it when an incident like this hasn't just occured; like the way I think laws should be written, not in the heat of the moment.
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