Help me decide re Boarding Dogs in SF

I am trying to decide what to do with my dogs while in San Francisco.

One option is -- this is alot of exercise, which would be great for Maggie but not for Chum. I am actually not sure Chum will pass their personality screen since they are looking for active, social dogs.

Another option is -- this is a very enviro-green place that looks nice and is very conveniently located. I am not sure there is enough space for Maggie to really run but they have a therapy swimming option that would be good for Chum

Both come highly recommended by referrals from friends.

Is it better to send them both to the same place or is it ok to separate them so they have an experience that is best suited for each of them?
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Oh, this is a tough question!!!!!

How do you think they will do separated? will they miss each other and you at the same time?

If they are kept together, will they be kept in the same pen or run or whatever their facilities are? Will they get along enough of the time to be kept together?

Which was is least expensive, which middle and which most? does that enter into it at all?

Tough choice!!! No way they can stay with you, eh?
I'm glad you think it is tough because I have been wrestling with it myself and wondered if the answer would seem obvious to someone else.

I think they might be more comfortable being together but just because that provides a certain amount of familiarity. It might be odd to be separated after a year of togetherness. But I don't know.

I think Maggie would have a blast at campfourpaws and probably would not miss Chum although she might be a bit weirded out by being alone. But not for long.

I don't have a clue what Chum thinks.

It is not like they cuddle or play with each other. They would be sleeping in the same shared space at both places which has worked fine when Ive boarded them previously. Plus they are used to alot of togetherness after all this time in the car. Price is comparable. I need some time to do other stuff without the constraint of walking them. Even dog friendly places don't generally want you to leave them unattended in the room.

Maybe I have to figure Maggie is adaptable and choose petcamp because it seems a bit better for Chum. I am not totally sure though because it might be crowded and loud, which Chum would hate. Bit then again. I am not sure she is the right profile for campfourpaws. . .
Board them together as you are not going to be there, so they are company for each other. Knowing one is super energised I think maggie will be OK. I'd be more worried about seperating them in a strange enviroment, one might fret without the other. Then they have each other for having something familiar and in common. Maggie can be let out to play separately with other younger dogs to burn off energy, but at least they can be together to sleep and cuddle each other :wink: Less chance of one missing the other then. :D
Maggie has been out running around all week plus the sights and sounds of the car ride (and trying to ignore Chummie). Go with the Petcamp, Maggie willl be fine without the exercise for a few days........and you know she'd love the pool!! Maggie needs to rest.

Keep them together. The trip has been stressful, they need to be together.

When it's time to hit the road again, Maggie will once again get her stretch time.
I'd go with what's best for Chummie... since she is older and hasn't had the best of luck with her health. She probably could use a few days of r&r at this point, and I think Maggie will deal with it.
I agree. Chum would be my main concern right now, health-wise. And as long as Maggie can get in some exercise, she should be fine. Plus she can swim - one of her favorite activities! Petcamp all the way!
I think the strangest part for either of them would be when you drive away with one in the car and not the other. I can see mine going bonkers being dropped off without the familiarity of each other. I think the older dog usually cares less (Lucy likes being alone) but I'll bet Maggie would be pretty confused.

Take them to the place that's better for Chum. You know Maggie will make her own fun no matter where she goes!
I say put them both at Petcamp. After being in the car together and traveling across the country....I think they would be better together.

Since they are "losing" you and staying in a foreign place after traveling around and constantly being in unfamiliar places...I think they would be happiest at least having eachother. It sounds like Maggie will still get enough exercise...the pool and swimming sounds great for both.
Sam & Lucky don't interact much with each other either - they each do their own thing but take one away from the other and the one left behind if it is Lucky he sits by the door and doesn't move until Sam gets back, it is Sam - he howl's nonstop until Lucky comes back.

I would definitely board them together.
I think I agree that Maggie will "make do" with the limited excercise facility for a few days. I think they would be happier together than separated and Chum could use the R&R.

But, it is a tough choice. Will you have time to go by & see them? Or would that just be harder on them when you didn't take them with you? :?
Without a's Petcamp!

There will be enough "newness" that Maggie will be excercises just by all the strange counds, smells etc. And if she can get some swimming in? Awesome!

Dixie is fine without Bosley, but Bosley gets quite frantic if he can't find Dixie at the dog park. Keeping them together would be best.
OK! THanks everyone! I really appreciate the input and will go with Petcamp for both of them.
I agree to keep them both together. I think overall it will be less stressful for them both.
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