HELP! Hendrix has a hot spot!

I just got Hendrix back from the groomer and he has a hot spot! Does anyone suggest I put anything on it tonight? The vet is closed on Sunday.
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Wash it, pat it dry. Put on some ointment like Neosporin or triple antibiotic. Wash and reapply ointment as needed to keep it clean and covered. Our vet recommends this, and usually an oral antibiotic for a while. My chocolate lab Macy is the hot spot girl at our house. They always clear up quickly with this treatment.

We clipper the area around the spot, but seeing he just came back from the groomer, I'm assuming his hair is short around it. If not, then you'll want to do that too.
I'm sorry Hendrix. :o
poor hendrix. Barney has a few hotspots right now, too. :cry:
I just ran out and bought the neosporan! Poor Hendrix, this has been such a tough day for him. His hair was sheered off now he's got a hot spot. I will post pictures tomorrow of his haircut and the top spot.
What a day! About the only good thing is that the haircut uncovered the hotspot, so it can get treated. Poor Hendrix, he never wanted THIS much attention!
We didn't want to shave Hendrix at all, now it's almost fate that we did. We uncovered a new hotspot and we're going on vacation last night. Had we not got him shaved and found it, it could have gone untreated longer then expected.
That's good that you found it! Hotspots really suck. Maggie either has a wound on her leg or a hot spot -- not sure which-- but she is licking at it so it will definitely turn into a hot spot if it is not one already. I've been putting the antibiotic ointment on it and she was already shaved down but I may go ahead and get her the dreaded cone so she stops licking it so it can heal. . . Luckily, there is a veterinary hospital just down the road from 4 Paws Kingdom. . .
Has anyone heard of putting a drop of Iodine on the hot spot? I read online a pet owner that did that and she said that within 2 days the spot was completly gone!

Right now, I'm using medicated shampoo and a spray that the vet prescribed for his first set of sores he had. I'd hate to slop on a ton of stuff on Hendrix. After all on Sunday I first put neosporain on it, then on Monday called the vet to see if I should do something else and she said to use what I put on the sores on his foot (the medicated shampoo and medicated spray). Should I even try the iodine idea?
Poor hendrix :cry:
Iodine is antiseptic, but it is drying to the skin. I wouldn't use it, I think it might make him itch or lick it to get rid of the dry feeling.

I have friends who have used the medicated sprays with some success. I know they are alot more expensive than the neosporin! Our vet is more the practical sort (and also does large animal practice), they tend to recommend the less expensive solutions rather than sell you some expensive medicine. (which I am very thankful for!)
You have a great vet! I see one of 2 vets at the animal hospital. 1 is pill crazy, she see's an infection and I've got Simplecef in my hand. The other one tries the cheaper method. I'm always going in to see the the second vet when I can!
Before I wised up and started shaving Dudley's belly in the summer, he used to be one big walking hot spot in the belly and armpit area.

What I used to do is shave the area and apply Goldbond Medicated Power and the Goldbond ointment. That has always worked for me.

and Dudley who hasn't had a hot spot in 2 summers......
I know lots of my Basset Hound friends swear by Gold Bond powder and ointment. (bassets have lots of folds and oilier skin and are more prone to skin issues) My basset is thankfully NOT prone to problems, so I haven't needed to test it out yet.
Tasker gets hot spots frequently because of his allergies despite the fact that he almost always has a buzz cut. . I learned from the Vet that the trick to healing them is to keep them DRY not MOIST. The tendency is to want to put an ointment on them and that doesn't seem to work as well as drying them up.

We was the area with BETADINE (which has iodine in it and is very drying) 2-3 times a day, dry it completely then use GOLD BOND Powder. It works like a charm. Tasker doesn't seem to want to lick the area that is kept dry, if I use an ointment he is after it non stop.

If they are bad enough you may need an oral antibiotic. But my vet recommends against using the antibiotic ointments.
Yeah, Barney is on an oral antibiotic right on a benadryl regimen, and it seems to be helping already, plus his skin seems to be less pink!
The hot spot was healing just fine till Hendrix scratched at it! It opened back up and bled and some puss came out. GROSS!

I called the Vet and she said to put a lose tshirt on him for a bit. She even said to put socks on his feet to stop him from really getting at. Problem with that, he has a hot spot on his foot! And you're really supposed to allow air to flow to the wound. ARGH!

My vet said that if Hendrix doesn't clear up by Wednesday (when we get back from vacation) then she'll prescribe an antibiotic. She said Hendrix has had Simplecef so much that too much of it in a few months will cause it not to work in the future. Does that make sense to anyone?
I would try the t-shirt - I'm assusming his spot is in a part that is covered by a shirt. You could try putting a sock on the good foot. My experience with dogs and footwear is that they hate it, and he probably will chew the sock off.
Our vet used cephalexin for Macy, it sounds like yours in in the "cef" family too. Overuse of ABX will cause "superbugs", or drug resistant organisms. Your vet is probably right.
Hendrix's Mom wrote:

My vet said that if Hendrix doesn't clear up by Wednesday (when we get back from vacation) then she'll prescribe an antibiotic. She said Hendrix has had Simplecef so much that too much of it in a few months will cause it not to work in the future. Does that make sense to anyone?

Yeah, they build up a tolerance to some drugs. I'm surprised that your vet didn't give you can antibiotic right away, especially if he keeps scratching.
I was shopping this past weekend and found Sergeants Benadene hot spot skin remedy. Max gets hot spots occassionaly and has one now, so I am trying it out. It is a no sting Formula that kills hot spot bacteria. I have only used it twice, and I wrap up his leg in a bandana. I will see how it works and report back. Ijust have never seeen anything like this, and it was in a discount store.
Well, I have to say the stuff works. I applied it 3-4 times and it seems it has helped. He is no longer trying to bite at it and lick it. but then its only been half an hour, but it looks so much better!!
what does a hotspot look like exactly? My Max has been licking an area near his rump, and I can't get a good look. I did see that it is irritated though.
personss wrote:
what does a hotspot look like exactly? My Max has been licking an area near his rump, and I can't get a good look. I did see that it is irritated though.

I posted this a few days ago just so that question could be answered!
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