My Sunflowers

I decided in the spring that I wanted to grow sunflowers.. I love sunflowers.. it's hard to believe that these hugh things come from little seeds in the ground..

You know it's bad when you sit and watch the flowers grow.. I need a life!!!



and guess what? No SNAKES!!!
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Those are WONDERFUL!!! Are you going to let them go to seed, and then roast some, and save some for next year?

( I love sunflowers, too!)
They're beautiful! I love sunflower seeds :)
I really don't know what to do with them.. I never planted them before. My neighbour just lets his go to seed and then they come up automatically the next year.

Funny, I don't eat sunflowers, to much work involved.
I love your Sunflowers, they really look great. My home is mostly decorated in Palm Trees (because I live in Florida USA), but I do have silk Sunflowers in each room. I have always loved those flowers. They are big and bright.

Thank you for sharing,
Helen, Mom to Violet, China and Pearl
They look great!! It reminds me of the one that my brother planted unbeknownst to my mother in her garden....she had no idea for years that my brother was doing his own
LOVE THEM! And the absence of snakes makes it even better . . . :wink:
Very pretty!
Pretty! I love sunflowers but in Mn once you've planted them there is no getting rid of them! they come up all over the place. We planted some when I was a kid obstensibly to feed the hamsters we had. The hamsters loved them... my mother did not love the little sunflower weeds coming up all over her garden the next several years :lol:
They are beautiful! I realy love sunflower.
We never get them so big here north 8)
Just gorgeous and so big. 8O
:D They are sorta like the sheepdogs of flowers!!!!!! :hearts:
I love sunflowers.

There is a story I think about one of the Greek gods turning into one. I forget how it goes, but something about it is a nymph that always looks towards the sun to stay warm.

They are gorgeous. I think I have a couple somewhere on my property.........
Such a pretty setting. It looks like something out of a garden magazine.
I just love sunflowers. I grew them one year. The ones I planted had the giant blooms. the heads were probably 12 inches across. The problem with those were that they got so heavy it pulled the plants over. I just let mine dry on the stalk and the birds helped themselves.
They're lovely. I think sunflowers are beautiful. Especially in fields where there are hundreds of them. How nice that they bloomed so well for you. :D
Very nice!
How big are the flowers themselves? I noticed someone a couple blocks from here has some, and the flowers are HUGE, dinner plate sized, and so heavy with the seeds that it's tipping over. I wonder if it's a different variety?
I love them too. We planted a small field of them one year, about an acre or two. It was right next to the road. Boy, did we get the traffic down our gravel road as people drove by to see them! They were so cheery and fun. We just let the birds and wild animals eat them. Now it's part of our pasture, and people slow down in the spring to watch our sheep and baby lambs play on the hillside!
they are lovely....i will try some next year

I didn't get a chance to plant any this year but after viewing those photos will be sure to do it next year. They're gorgeous.

Sunflowers come in a variety of sizes and colors ranging from 1-2 ft to those huge Jack in the Beanstalk type variety, in hues of yellows to reds.

I left mine alone and let them go to seed as most nature books will tell you they are an invaluable food source for birds whom love picking at the seed heads. The rest fall in the garden and seed for another years crop.

Thanks for this post.

Marianne and the boys
The ones we planted in the field are long gone, but I do plant a variety (short to tall, red to yellow) in the garden every year. They are so cheery and easy to grow. We also just let the birds eat them. If they reseed, we let them grow in the rows along with the veggies. Otherwise the tiller takes out the rest. I grow some up by the house too - just because they are so fun.
I don't remember what type these ones were.. it was a package that I got at the Canadian Tire in the spring, they were free. I was going to cut them and bring them in the house, but I think I will let them go to seed. Next year I think I am going to plant the red varity ones. And I think I am going to try gladiolus and the other big flowery plants.. the ones you have to stake (for the life of me I can't think of the name right now) and I am going to plant pumpkins to.

Jees.. I better get a bigger yard.
Could the flower you are thinking of be an Iris?

Helen, Mom to Violet, China and Pearl
Oh, definitely plant pumpkins! We grow them every year, for about the last 15 yrs or so. They are easy, and you get lots of them. We had enough for ourselves and all the neices and nephews each year. The ones that are left over I put around the yard for decorations.
I remembered when I was out for a walk the the beasts...they they are Dahlias.
Mop lover wrote:
.....And the absence of snakes makes it even better...

They're very pretty. DO they DRAW snakes, or repel them? I've got a wild one that came up, but if they draw snakes, guess how quick its going down! Thanks.
I don't think sunflowers attract snakes.. I have never seen a snake in my yard.. but then again this is my first year growing sunflowers.. but I know they attract lots of birds..

Next year I am definately planting more.
Seriously...are you trying to scare me with pictures of large plants? 2 of my scariest plants are sunflowers and birds of paradise.
They are very pretty, but frighten me!
Steph, did you see Children of the Corn one too many times???
:x I have grown sunflowers in my garden for two years, the flowers are beautiful, BUT, some sort of tiny black bettle with blue on it's back bore into the seed head and it dies. Any one out there have a remedy for these little flying beetles? I live in Lithia, Fl, south of Plant city.

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